Planning Strategy Earlier Stages
There were several stages of preparation and consultation in developing the Hastings Planning Strategy.
The first stage known as 'Shaping Hastings - Core Strategy Issues and Options', was completed in 2006. We consulted on the second stage called 'Shaping Hastings - Core Strategy Preferred Approaches' alongside the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal in 2008.
Between 27 June and 08 August 2011, an Informal Consultation was held on the parts of the draft plan that had changed due to changes in the Planning system since 2008.
The final draft of the Planning Strategy - the Proposed Submission version and accompanying Sustainability Appraisal were published for formal representations between 25 May and 17 August 2012.
The Council submitted its Planning Strategy and supporting documents for independent examination on 31 October 2012 under Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
Examination hearings were held between 05 and 14 February 2013 and as a result of these and the revocation of the South East Plan along with initial findings from Mr Hollox, the Planning Inspector, further consultation took place between 20 May and 01 July 2013 on the 'Hastings Local Plan, The Hastings Planning Strategy, Proposed Main Modifications'.
The final Inspector's report was received on 21 October 2013 and the Hastings Planning Strategy was adopted by Full Council on 19 February 2014.
Related pages...
Hastings Planning Strategy: Adopted February 2014
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