Adopted guidance
Supplementary Planning Documents provide additional guidance to complex planning matters. Although Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) do not have the same status as the Planning Strategy or Development Management Plan, they are still material considerations in the determination of planning applications.
Other guidance considered in the determination of planning applications are the Councils First Homes Guidance note, the East Sussex County Council parking standards guidance and the High Weald AONB Management Plan.
Adopted Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)
The following SPDs have been adopted by the council:
- Supplementary Planning Document: Visitor Accommodation (.pdf 191KB)
- Supplementary Planning Document: Employment Land Retention (.pdf 355KB)
- Supplementary Planning Document - Shopfronts and Advertisements (.pdf 838KB)
- Supplementary Planning Document - Householder Development: Sustainable Design (.pdf 114KB)
- Supplementary Planning Document 1 - Roof Materials for Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas (.pdf 158KB)
- Supplementary Planning Document 2 - Replacement Doors and Windows for Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas (.pdf 187KB)
Supplementary Planning Guidance
Supplementary Planning Guidance Notes (SPGs) were prepared under the old Local Plan system, they are still adopted and used in the determination of planning applications. The following SPGs were adopted as interim guidance by Council on 28 July 2004, and give guidance on the following:
- SPG 5: The Provision of Childrens Play space in Housing Developments
- SPG 7: Development Contributions
Our Local Development Scheme provides our timetable for work to be undertaken.
Other Guidance
- The First homes guidance note was approved by cabinet in March 2022
- The High Weald AONB Management Plan 2024-2029 was prepared by the High Weald Joint Advisory Committee which includes representatives of all 15 local authorities with land in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Government bodies responsible for protected landscapes in England. The Plan for 2024-2029 was adopted by Hastings Borough Council on 17 July 2024.
The Management Plan sets out the long term objectives for conserving this nationally important landscape and sets out a plan for how the High Weald will be looked after for the next 5 years.
Please note: In November 2023, all AONBs were renamed as National Landscapes. The High Weald National Landscape remains designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and is referred to as such in policy, legislation and guidance.
- The High Weald Dark Skies Planning Advice Note along with other Planning advice for the High Weald AONB supporting the objectives of the AONB Management Plan can be found on the High Weald website
- East Sussex County Council (ESCC) Parking Standards and other information about transport development control can be found on the ESCC website
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