Replacement of windows in a listed building
The preferred approach for listed buildings is that the original windows are regularly maintained and repaired. They should only be replaced if they are totally beyond repair.
If the replacement windows are not 'like for like' then listed building consent will be required. A full planning application will also be required if the property is a flat as these have no permitted development rights.
If the replacement windows are 'like for like' and we agree with you that this is the case, listed building consent is not required to change the windows.
'Like for like' means they are an exact replica of the original windows in terms of:
- materials
- appearance
- pattern of glazing
- timber moulding profiles
- glazing type
- style of opening
To check that we consider that the proposals are 'like for like' you can do one of the following:
- make a 'do I need consent to replace windows? email enquiry. This will involve an enquiry fee.
- make a listed building consent application. There is no fee for this type of application. Find out how to make a listed building consent application.
In either case, you will need to provide detailed drawings of the windows, fixtures and fittings, and so on and give details about the materials and how the window will be fitted.
We would generally expect any replacement windows to be a very close replica of the original windows in the building. Generally they should be formed from timber frames, with timber sashes or casements, and single glazing.
Where listed building consent is required for your replacement windows
If you would like to know whether you would be granted consent, you can submit a 'pre- application' query. This will involve an application fee. Please note that there is no fee for applications for listed building consent.
Repair of windows
Repair of windows may not need consent. For further information see repairing windows in a listed building. Should you wish to have further advice to see if your proposed works would need listed building consent you can either:
- make a do I need consent to repair windows? email enquiry. There will involve a replacement windows - enquiry fee.
- make a listed building consent application. There is no fee for this type of application. Find out how to make a listed building consent application.
In either case, you will need to provide detailed drawings of the windows, fixtures and fittings, and so on and give details about the materials and how the window will be fitted.
Further Information
The Royal Town Planning Institute website has a list of planning professionals who can act for you if your think listed building consent is required.
For additional guidance see 'Alterations to windows'
The Victorian Society set out good practice in the care and upgrading of historic windows https://www.victoriansociety.org.uk/advice/windows-and-double-glazing.
Find out if your property is a listed building.
For windows
Contact us if you have a question about planning.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Planning team.