Planning enquiry fees
Non statutory fees and charges
All fees quoted include VAT.
All fees quoted are per site unless stated otherwise.
Do I need planning permission for .........? - permitted development queries
- there is no charge to use the self-assessment forms
- if you wish the self-assessment form to be checked by us - £144.00
- enquiries where no self-assessment form is available - £144.00
Pre application advice
Planning History queries
- there is no charge to view historical planning application information on our Public Access website (details of the information that is available can be found here)
- if you wish us to research a list of historical planning applications - £93.60
- No assessment or advice will be provided in this service.
Removal of permitted development rights
- research to see if permitted development rights have been removed from a site - £144.00
- additional charge if a site visit by a planning officer is required - £201.60
Lawful use of premises
- informal advice about the lawful use of a premises (if the building is sub-divided one fee is payable for the whole building) - £217.20
- additional charge if a site visit by a planning officer is required- £166.80
- For a lawful determination, a Certificate of Lawful use application should be submitted
Queries relating to previously decided applications
- advice and queries in relation to previously approved applications not falling into the above categories - £457.20
General queries regarding procedure or policy
- Householder and minor applications - £123.60
- Major applications - £160.80
- confirmation that an enforcement case has been closed - £295.20
Enforcement notices can be view online on our public access website and the record will show if the notice has been closed.
- confirmation that an enforcement notice has been complied with - £123.22
Listed building consent queries
- confirmation of compliance with Listed Building Consent - £493.20
Section 106 queries
- queries regarding confirmation of compliance with Section 106 legal agreements and planning obligations - £848.40
- queries to modify or discharge a Section 106 legal agreement - £848.40
Regulation 75 application
Pursuant to The Habitats and Species Regulations 2017
- check to see whether permitted development or prior approval would not significantly affect a European site, alone or in combination with other plans and projects - £385.20
High Hedge complaint (Service currently unavailable)
- see High Hedges page for more information about this service
- fee for High Hedge complaints - £1118.40
Fee for refunds
General Planning Enquiries (including self-certification, planning history enquiries or any other fee paying enquiry)
The following administration fee will be retained where an enquiry has been set up and where relevant an acknowledgement letter sent but the planning officer has not yet carried out any work and the enquiry is withdrawn or returned.
- All - £58.00
Planning fees
Contact us if you have a question about planning.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Planning team.