Pre-application fees
Major applications (10 or more dwellings or 1,000 sq.m. or more)
All fees quoted include VAT.
The without prejudice views of the planning authority prior to submission of an application in the form of:
- a letter - £1725.60
- a meeting with a senior planner and a letter - £1948.80
- additional charge for each additional specialist officer attending a meeting - £300.00
Minor and Other applications (except householders and listed buildings)
All fees quoted include VAT.
For minor applications (non-householder) for residential development between 1 and 3 additional units/ change of use/ commercial extension
The without prejudice views of the planning authority prior to submission of an application in the form of:
- a letter - £702.00
- a meeting with a planner and a letter - £912.00
For minor applications (non-householder) for residential development between 4 and 9 additional units
The without prejudice views of the planning authority prior to submission of an application in the form of:
- a letter - £1131.60
- a meeting with a senior planner and a letter - £1341.60
For business premises where there is no increase in floor space and no change of use proposed (for example a new shopfront)
The without prejudice views of the planning authority prior to submission of an application in the form of:
- a letter - £218.40
- a meeting with a planner and a letter - £330.00
For all other applications not falling within the above categories
The without prejudice views of the planning authority prior to submission of an application in the form of:
- a letter - £1131.60
- a meeting with a planner and a letter - £1341.60
Pre-Application advice for Householders (except listed buildings)
A householder pre-application is defined as works or an extension to a single dwelling (including a single flat) but excludes listed buildings and conversions.
All fees quoted include VAT.
For householder applications not in a conservation area and not a listed building
The without prejudice views of the planning authority prior to submission of an application in the form of:
- a letter - £223.20
- a meeting with a planner and a letter - £306.00
- each additional site meeting - £171.60
For householder applications in a conservation area and not a listed building
The without prejudice views of the planning authority prior to submission of an application in the form of:
- a letter - £369.00
- a meeting with a planner and a letter - £489.60
- each additional site meeting - £171.60
Pre-Application advice on Listed Buildings
We are happy to provide pre-application advice on listed buildings but we have a very limited resource to do this.
It is the role of the Conservation Officer to advise on submitted proposals, and the likelihood of listed building consent being granted, not to design a scheme from scratch, and you may need to employ a historic buildings expert for advice.
Because of our limited resources we are only able to offer one initial meeting which can be on site. We will do our best to meet with you within 21 working days of your request, but staff commitments may mean that this is not always possible.
At least two weeks before the initial meeting we would ask you to submit drawings of your proposal, with as much detail as possible, and a copy of your draft Heritage Asset Statement (HAS)*. The HAS should demonstrate your understanding of the significance of the heritage asset (in this case the listed building) and how that understanding has informed your design approach. This will ensure that the Conservation officer is fully briefed when the meeting takes place.
We would also strongly recommend that, except for very minor work, you employ your own historic buildings advisor and that they attend the meeting to ensure that you get as much out of the meeting as possible. It is to your benefit to get as much detail agreed and approved before consent is granted because if conditions are attached you will not be able to start work until the conditions have been discharged which could take several weeks.The listed buildings that are not householder applications
All fees quoted include VAT.
The without prejudice views of the planning authority prior to submission of an application for listed building consent in the form of:
- a letter - £663.60
- a meeting and a letter - £801.60
Please note that major applications that include listed building(s) will fall within the major pre-application fees listed above.
For householder applications that are listed buildings
A householder pre-application affecting a listed building is defined as works or an extension to a single dwelling (including a single flat) but excludes conversion.
The without prejudice views of the planning authority prior to submission of an application in the form of:
- a letter - £613.20
- a meeting and a letter - £734.40
- each additional site meeting - £171.60
Pre-application advice submitted as part of enforcement work
Any pre-application advice request submitted as part of enforcement work will be subject to the relevant fee quoted above.
Pre–application forums
The Council operates a system of pre-application consultation forums.
Before an application for 30 dwellings or above is submitted the applicants will be encouraged to attend a pre-application forum which will also be attended by councillors and invited representatives of the local community and other interest groups.
This will enable the applicant to explain their proposals and for local people to make observations in a controlled and managed environment. The scheme will also extend to other large developments.To cover the costs of the forum a charge will be made on the developer.
The fee for this service
All fees quoted include VAT.
- per meeting - £3030.00
- in addition, charges for venue hire will normally be passed on to the developer.
The Lead Member responsible for Planning Services, or a nominated substitute will chair each meeting.
Validation Service
Please see our Validation Service page here for more details.
The fee for this service
All fees quoted include VAT.
- up to two meetings of no more than 1hr per meeting - £188.40
- please note that this fee is in addition to the normal application fee
Pre-Application Form
Fee for refunds
The following administration fees will be retained where a Pre-application has been set up and an acknowledgement letter sent but the planning officer has not yet carried out any work and the Pre-application is withdrawn or returned.
- Householder application - £41.00
- Non major applications - £69.00
- Major applications - £83.00
Planning fees
Contact us if you have a question about planning.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Planning team.