CON29 Public Registers
Details of how you can view Public registers is listed below. If you would like us to undertake the research work on your behalf then please submit a CON29 search enquiry.
Planning decisions and pending applications (Q1.1 a-i)The Planning Register is available to view on our website.
Alternatively, for a fee, we can undertake the research work on your behalf and provide an official printed response. To request this service please use the CON29 enquiry request form.
Building Regulations decisions and pending applications (Q1.1 j)
The Building Control function is a shared service managed by the East Sussex Building Control Partnership.
Building Control records can be viewed online on the Wealden District Council website.
Alternatively, for a fee, we can undertake the research work on your behalf and provide an official printed response. To request this service, please use the CON29 enquiry request form.
Building Regulations Completion Certificates (Q1.1 k)
The Building Control function is a shared service managed by the East Sussex Building Control Partnership.
Building Control records can be viewed online on the Wealden District Council website.
Alternatively, for a fee, we can undertake the research work on your behalf and provide an official printed response. To request this service, please use the CON29 enquiry request form.
Building Regulations Competent Persons Self-Certification Scheme (Q1.1 l)
The Building Control function is a shared service managed by the East Sussex Building Control Partnership.
Building Control records can be viewed online on the Wealden District Council website.
Alternatively, for a fee, we can undertake the research work on your behalf and provide an official printed response. To request this service, please use the CON29 enquiry request form.
Please note, the Council does not issue and is not provided with copies of certificates or notices issued in respect of work carried out under Competent Person (self-certification) Schemes. The owner or occupier of the property should hold such certificates.
Planning Designations and Proposals (Q1.2)
The Hastings Local Plan 2011-2028 can be viewed on our website including a mapping tool to view the location of relevant policies.
The Waste and Minerals Plan for East Sussex can be viewed on the East Sussex County Council website.
Roads and public Rights of way (Q2.1-2.5)
This information is held by the Highway Land Information Team at East Sussex County Council.
Land Required for Public Purposes (Q3.1)
This information is held in a system which is not available for public inspection however a response will be given, specific to the required property, should a request be made to view it under Environmental Information Regulations. Such requests should be emailed to landcharges@hastings.gov.uk.
Alternatively, for a fee, we can undertake the research work on your behalf and provide an official printed response. To request this service, please use the CON29 enquiry request form.
Land to be acquired for Road Works (Q3.2)
This information is held by the Highway Land Information Team at East Sussex County Council.
Drainage Matters (Q3.3)
Customers are currently advised to review individual planning applications in the Planning Register to establish if there is a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS) in place for each property.
Customers should also contact Southern Water.
Nearby road schemes (Q3.4)
This information is held by the Highway Land Information Team at East Sussex County Council.
Nearby railway schemes (Q3.5)
This information is held by the Highway Land Information Team at East Sussex County Council.
Traffic schemes (Q3.6)
This information is held by the Highway Land Information Team at East Sussex County Council.
Outstanding notices - environment, health and safety, housing, public health (Q3.7 b, c, d and f)
This information is held in a system which is not available for public inspection however a response will be given, specific to the required property, should a request be made to view it under Environmental Information Regulations. Such requests should be emailed to landcharges@hastings.gov.uk.
Alternatively, for a fee, we can undertake the research work on your behalf and provide an official printed response. To request this service, please use the CON29 enquiry request form.
Outstanding notices - building works (Q3.7a)
The Building Control function is a shared service managed by the East Sussex Building Control Partnership.
To view this information please contact the East Sussex Building Control Partnership.
Alternatively, for a fee, we can undertake the research work on your behalf and provide an official printed response. To request this service, please use the CON29 enquiry request form.
Outstanding notices - highways, flood and coastal erosion risk management (Q3.7 e and g)
This information is held by the Highway Land Information Team at East Sussex County Council.
Contravention of Building Regulations (Q3.8)
The Building Control function is a shared service managed by the East Sussex Building Control Partnership.
To view this information please contact the East Sussex Building Control Partnership.
Alternatively, for a fee, we can undertake the research work on your behalf and provide an official printed response. To request this service, please use the CON29 enquiry request form.
Notices, orders, directions and proceedings under Planning Acts (Q3.9)
Notices that have been served, made or commenced will be held either on the Local Land Register, the Planning Register or the Enforcement Register for notices served after 2001.
All properties in Hastings Borough are covered by an Article 4 Direction in relation to Houses in Multiple Occupation.
Other Article 4 Directions and Painting Restrictions are listed on our Conservation page.
Tree Preservation Order that have been made but not confirmed can be found on our Tree Preservation Orders page.
Planning contravention notices are not shown on the Enforcement Register and therefore this information is not available for public inspection however a response will be given to Q3.9(e), specific to the required property, should a request be made to view it under Environmental Information Regulations. Such requests should be emailed to landcharges@hastings.gov.uk.
Please note that on the Enforcement Register applications with a TCA prefix are also visible. These are applications for works to trees in a Conservation Area and are NOT Enforcement notices and do not fall under Q3.9 of the CON29.
Enforcement Notices that have been closed are also included on the Enforcement Register - if the notice has been closed the reason for this can be found on the summary page for the notice.
Please note that none of these registers will hold information with regard to notices that we have decided to issue, serve, make or commence but have not actually done so yet. For this reason it is recommended that you do not rely solely on inspecting the above registers to reply to this question A response will be given specific to the required property, should a request be made to view it under Environmental Information Regulations. Such requests should be emailed to landcharges@hastings.gov.uk.
Alternatively, for a fee, we can undertake the research work on your behalf and provide an official printed response. To request this service, please use the CON29 enquiry request form.
Community Infrastructure Levy (Q3.10)
Hastings Borough Council does not impose a Community Infrastructure Levy on any properties within the borough.
Conservation Areas (Q3.11)
The following Conservation Areas were designated before 31 August 1974:
Old Town
Burtons' St Leonards
BlacklandsA list of the properties contained within these areas can be found in our Conservation Area pages.
Alternatively, for a fee, we can undertake the research work on your behalf and provide an official printed response. To request this service, please use the CON29 enquiry request form.
Compulsory Purchase Orders (Q3.12)
This information is held in a system which is not available for public inspection however a response will be given, specific to the required property, should a request be made to view it under Environmental Information Regulations. Such requests should be emailed to landcharges@hastings.gov.uk.
Alternatively, for a fee, we can undertake the research work on your behalf and provide an official printed response. To request this service, please use the CON29 enquiry request form.
Contaminated Land (Q3.13)
This information is held in a system which is not available for public inspection however a response will be given, specific to the required property, should a request be made to view it under Environmental Information Regulations. Such requests should be emailed to landcharges@hastings.gov.uk.
Alternatively, for a fee, we can undertake the research work on your behalf and provide an official printed response. To request this service, please use the CON29 enquiry request form.
Radon Gas (Q3.14)
This information can be obtained from www.ukradon.org
Alternatively, for a fee, we can undertake the research work on your behalf and provide an official printed response. To request this service, please use the CON29 enquiry request form.
Assets of Community Value (Q3.15)
The Community Right to Bid register and related information can be found on our website.
Local Land Charges
Contact us if you have a question about planning.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Planning team.