Asset Registers
Assets of Community Value - listed sites Property address: Date listed: Date of disposal notice: End of initial moratorium: End of full moratorium: Protected period ends Date of 5 year review: St Mary in the Castle 5 April 2023 4 April 2028 Hastings Pier 06 November 2023 06 November 2028 Isabel Blackman Centre, Winding Street, Old Town, Hastings, TN34 3AT 09 April 2019 25 June 2019 06 August 2019 25 December 2019 25 December 2020 08 April 2024 Unsuccessful community nominations Property address: Reason not listed Speckled Wood - 2014 nomination 1: Insufficient detailed evidence was submitted to justify the inclusion of the area of land
2: Operational business premises were included which are not considered to be assets of community value
3: Residential properties and gardens of residential properties have been included which are not considered to be assets of community value
4: Some of the land nominated is enclosed by fencing and is not considered to have been used by the local community in recent years
5: There are areas of the land which do not appear to have been used by the local community and remain overgrown
6: Due to the nominated land not being considered to be an existing asset of community value it is therefore not considered realistic for it to continue to be used for the social wellbeing or social interest of the local communityThe Welcome Stranger
55 Sedlescombe Road North
St Leonards on Sea
TN37 7DAAs Section 88 of the Act indicates, in order for land to be considered of community value there must be a current non-ancillary use which furthers the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community. A number of the reasons provided by the nominating body and listed above are ancillary to the main activity of the pub which is the sale of alcohol. There is no compelling evidence of substantial community use or wellbeing as required under the legislation and Government guidance. Where evidence has been provided they did not show that the community usage was any greater than what would be otherwise provided by 9 other public houses within 1 mile radius. Former power station site, including land to the south of the former power station, Ore Valley (i) restricted public access to part of the nominated area;
(ii) limited duration of the activities which have taken place;
(iii) uncertainty that activities which contribute to community wellbeing or community interest can realistically take place on the whole of the nominated area beyond February 2018;
(iv) the whole of the nominated area cannot remain as an asset of community value once housing has been developed on part of the site.The Observer Building, 53 Cambridge Road, Hastings, TN34 1EL The former Observer building does not meet the definition of an asset of community value contained in the Localism Act 2011 In view of:
(i) the restricted public access to part of the nominated area,
(ii) the limited duration of the activities which have taken place,
(iii) the uncertainty that activities which contribute to community wellbeing or community interest can realistically take place on the whole of the nominated area, these points together indicate that it is not realistic to assume that the use of the whole of the nominated area (whether or not in the same way) will contribute the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community over the next 5 years"Speckled Wood" - Land off Graystone Lane 1. Insufficient detailed evidence was submitted to justify the inclusion of the area of land;
2. Activities taking place within the land are ancillary to the main use of the land;
3. Due to the nominated land not being considered to be an existing asset of community value it is therefore not considered realistic for it to continue to be used for the social wellbeing or social interest of the local community.Queens Arcade 1. Insufficient detailed evidence was submitted to justify the inclusion of the arcade;
2. Reasons given to support listing are ancillary to the main use of the asset as a commercial unit;
3. There is no evidence to support that community usage would be greater than for other commercial units within the town centre;
4. Due to the nominated not being considered to be an existing asset of community value it is therefore not considered realistic for it to continue to be used for the social wellbeing or social interest of the local community. -
Community Right to Bid
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