Other support for people aged 24 and under
East Sussex Community Information Service (ESCIS) provides information on local services.
Amaze is a charity for families with disabled children and young people in Sussex. It provides:
- information
- support
- advice
For children and young people with SEND and their parents/carers depending on where you live in Sussex.
Change Grow Live independent volunteers work with children and young people who have an East Sussex County Council social worker. They:
- help young people and children have their voice heard
- make sure their views, wishes and feelings are taken into account
- organise monthly visits, fun activities and days out for young people
- meet children and young people in the community. This might be at home, school, college or at a cafe.
Karma Nirvana are there to help with honour based abuse regardless of age, gender, sexuality or faith. Access their free and confidential helpline by calling: 0800 5999 247 (Monday - Friday 9am-5pm).
Credit Unions are local community loans and savings organisations or financial cooperatives that can be used by its members. They are often described as an alternative to major high street or online banks or payday loan businesses.
East Sussex County Council - children and families with special needs and disability information for children and families with special needs and disability.
East Sussex County Council - services for children and families links and information to services for children and families.
Imago Young Carers is the East Sussex County Council's website. Imago Young Carers work with young people aged 5-18 who emotionally practically support a family member who has a long term illness, disability, mental health or substance misuse issue. They work with young carers to increase their wellbeing and minimise negative impact of their caring role.
i-Rock provides a youth wellbeing service for 14-25 year olds in Hastings and Rother, offering advice and support for emotional and mental wellbeing, employment, education and housing.
Learner Support provides help for 19 year olds or over who are having trouble with meeting the costs of participating in further education at college.
Stonewall provides help and support for LGBT.
Shelter provides housing advice for young people.
REBOOT programme is aimed at children and young people living in Sussex aged 11 to 17 who are at risk of engaging in serious violence and gang behaviour. Coaches will work with you to create a personalised plan that emphasises your strengths and supports you to overcome any barriers who may face and help you make positive changes in your life.
Stop Loan Sharks team are there to help you if you think that you have been borrowing money from a loan shark. They are the only government agency in the UK who have the power to investigate and prosecute loan sharks and illegal money lenders.
You are not in trouble if you have borrowed cash or have been paying back a loan from an illegal money lender, the loan shark is. They are the people committing a crime, not you.
If you can answer yes to one or more of these questions you might be borrowing from a loan shark:
- Did they offer you a cash loan?
- Did they not give you paperwork?
- Did they add huge amounts of interest or APR to your loan?
- Have they threatened you?
- Are you scared of people finding out?
- Have they taken your bank card, benefit card, passport, watch or other valuables from you?
Stay safe, borrow responsibly and start saving for next Christmas:
- Remember: loan sharks should be avoided because they will make a difficult financial situation much worse.
- If you need to borrow money, check the lender is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
- There are legitimate services you can access for help with money, such as credit unions, which offer safe saving and affordable loans options. Find your nearest Credit Union.
- Start preparing your finances for next Christmas and open a savings account with your local credit union.
- For advice on all money matters, including debt and loans, ring Citizens Advice on 03444 111 444.
The Sussex Coast College has information about further education in East Sussex. They can support people who are keen to continue their education but are not sure which course to choose or how to enroll.
The college has a dedicated Student Services department that provides essential information, advice and guidance to learners looking to get started and make the most of their time at college.
- East Sussex College Hastings
Station Approach
East Sussex
TN34 1BA - Telephone: 01424 442222
- Email: info@sussexcoast.ac.uk
The Sussex Safe Space provides a valuable directory of help and support for all agencies, near you. There are many different types of crime such as domestic abuse, fraud, hate crime, child sexual exploitation and so on. There is help and available for everyone who has ever been a victim of crime and support can be tailored to suit your needs.
Time 2 Talk offers mediation between children/young people, aged 8 to 18 and their parents/carers. It helps families to:
- improve their understanding of each other
- improve their communication and confidence
- helps them talk through their issues and difficulties together.
Xtrax Youth Hub provides support services for 16-24 year olds on housing, health and socialising.
Visit the Hub at:
- Xtrax
23 Priory Street
TN34 1EA - Telephone: 01424 722524
YMCA Wise supports children and young people to stay safe in their relationships.
Young Oasis Hastings offer therapeutic support for children and young people aged 5 to 18 who are affected by family drug or alcohol problems.
Mental Health
Feeling unable to cope, worried you may hurt yourself or somebody else and/or experiencing suicidal feelings?
For immediate help
If your life - or someone else's life - is in immediate danger, please call 999 or go to A&E. The nearest A&E is the Conquest Hospital on The Ridge, Hastings.
For same or next day help
You can get help with your mental health in different ways depending on what you prefer. All services are free.
- Call NHS 111 and select the mental health option (also known as the Sussex Mental Healthline) or the Samaritans on 116 123 (both available 24/7)
- Visit a Staying Well service (out-of-hours mental health crisis support service for people aged 18+ available in Hastings
- Text the word SUSSEX to 85258 (24/7 mental health text-messaging support service).
- Download the Stay Alive app - a suicide prevention resource full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis.
Feeling stressed, anxious, low or experiencing panic attacks?
The following are services that you can either contact directly (details below) or be referred by a GP.
NHS Talking Therapies for anxiety and depression
If you live in Sussex, are over 18 and are struggling with common mental health problems such as feelings of depression, excessive worry, social anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), you can refer yourself to your NHS Talking Therapies East Sussex: www.healthinmind.org.uk
Services are free, confidential and provide a wide range of support, including courses, online programmes and one-to-one sessions. They aim to help you understand your symptoms and take practical steps to improve your mental health.
NHS Talking Therapies is unable to provide urgent mental health help or support to people experiencing more severe difficulties with their mental health. Instead, please see a GP who can refer you to the appropriate service.Mental health support at your GP surgery
If you have a diagnosed mental illness or are having difficulties with your mental health and would like coping strategies to help, you can get support with your mental health from the Emotional Wellbeing Service, or similar service, at most GP surgeries. These services can provide you with information, advice, guidance and support.
Contact your GP surgery to find out what mental health support is available.Experiencing a significant change in your mental health?
You should call NHS 111 or visit NHS 111 online for advice if you - or the person you are concerned about - experience a significant change in your mental health and are not already receiving care from mental health services.
This might include:
- Hearing or seeing things that are not experienced by other people, for example hearing voices
- Having strong beliefs that are not shared by others, for example believing there is a conspiracy against you
- Having excessive energy or movements, sleeping very little
- Behaving in a bizarre and out of character way
- Changes in behaviour like wanting to avoid people, lack of basic self-care.
Whilst these can be normal experiences, they can also be signs of something more serious.
Worried about money, housing or another issue that is affecting your mental health?
There are lots of ways you can get practical help with issues that may be affecting your mental health.
Money worries and cost of living support
Hastings Borough Council cost of living support pages
Help with housing
Hastings Borough Council housing webpages
Support for people affected by domestic abuse
Hastings Borough Council domestic violence webpage
Drug and alcohol recovery support
Social Prescribing service at your GP surgery
Social Prescribers can connect you to support, services and activities to help address the challenges and issues you may be struggling with. Ask your GP or GP surgery if they have a Social Prescribing service. Waiting times differ between GP surgeries.
Where to find advice and information about local mental health support
Not sure what support you need or would like? There are several community-based groups that can support you with your mental health, whether you have a diagnosed mental illness or need short-term help or advice about your mental health. Find out what's available in your area.
- Call UOK East Sussex on: 0808 196 1768. Lines are open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm (excluding bank holidays) or you can arrange a call back by visiting www.uok.org.uk/talk-to-us
- Visit: www.uok.org.uk or www.eastsussex.gov.uk/social-care/health-advice/mental-health/east-sussex-mental-health-directory
- If you are a carer for someone with a mental health difficulty: www.eastsussex.gov.uk/social-care/health-advice/mental-health/east-sussex-mental-health-directory/carers
Cuckooing is when a criminal gang targets the homes of vulnerable people so that they can use the properties for drug dealing.
It means the criminals can operate from a property rather than the street, which is out of sight from the police making it an attractive option. The criminals can then use the premises to deal drugs from, which is difficult for the police to monitor.
Signs to look out for:
- it usually takes place in a multi-occupancy or social housing
- there may be an increase in the number of people visiting the home
- criminals will often have new vehicles outside the home or hire cars
- possible increase in anti-social behaviour in and around the home
- victims may disengage with support services
- professionals visiting may become aware of strangers in their customer's home.
Victims of cuckooing require support for the abuse they have suffered.
If you are being or you know anyone that you think is being cuckooed, you can contact Sussex Police:
- Telephone: 101
- Email: 101@sussex.pnn.police.uk
- website.
If you don't want to speak to the police directly, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Always dial 999 in an emergency.
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