I'm a Care Leaver
Leaving care can be a daunting process but Hastings Borough Council and the East Sussex County Council's Through Care Service are here to support and advise you.
This page will provide you with the information and links to services that you might find helpful.
East Sussex County Council's Through Care Service
Though Care Service provides:
- Support for you until your 21st birthday. This support can continue until your 25th birthday if you want it to
- A personal advisor - who will be a qualified social worker for 16/17 year olds
- A pathway plan which will be reviewed at least every 6 months. If your circumstances changes significantly your plan will be reviewed more frequently. Change of circumstances could include loss of accommodation, any safeguarding concerns or if you are likely to receive a custodial sentence
- East Sussex County Council will be responsible for the provision and funding of accommodation until you are 18. They will also provide a living allowance
- "Staying put" with your foster carers post 18
- "Staying Close" if you are leaving residential care
- Provision of a setting up home allowance.
Contact details for the Care Leavers team at East Sussex County Council:
Telephone: 01273 335150
Email Throughcare@eastsussex.gov.ukHastings Borough Council
At Hastings Borough Council we know that having housing issues is very upsetting and difficult for anyone. It is very important that as a care leaver, you have a clear understanding of the housing options available to you.
We want to make things clearer so that you know about the terms being used, and the likelihood of getting your own accommodation or having to go into shared accommodation.
To do this we will work closely with you and Children's Social Services. As a care leaver your social worker or personal advisor will make an appointment to see a Housing Options Officer before your 18th birthday, usually when you are about 17 and half. Your foster carer or other trusted adult can attend and support you at this meeting.
We will meet with you to:
- Discuss your accommodation plans
- Help you gain an understanding of the housing options available to you
- Discuss with you your responsibilities in the different options given to you
- Discuss the skills you will need to manage in the different types of accommodation that you may be eligible for.
The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 changes the duties the councils have to manage the risk of homelessness and the rules on local connection for care leavers as below:
- Care leavers who are the responsibility of East Sussex County Council will be able to make a homelessness application to any district or borough within East Sussex
- If you live out of the East Sussex area providing you have lived in that area for over 2 years, including some time before you reached the age of 16, you will be able to apply to that area as well.
Care leavers aged 18 and over
- You are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless
- You are a care leaver aged 18 and over
- You are not supported by Social Services
and you would like our assistance please go to our I'm at risk of being or already am homeless webpage.
Other support for Care Leavers
Coram Voice will help you figure out your rights and entitlements as a Care Leaver. They also have other advice and information.
Catch22 the national advice, support and development service focusing on young people's transition from care.
Become provides help, support and advice to children in care and young care leavers.
Learner Support provides help for 19 year olds or over who are having trouble with meeting the costs of participating in further education at college.
The Care Leavers' Association is a national charity run by care leavers offering support and advice.
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