Support for sports clubs and activity providers
Active Hastings works with a wide variety of sports clubs and physical activity providers to develop new activities and to support the least active members of our community to take part in sport and physical activity. While we work with a large number of organisations, we are aware that there are many more fantastic clubs and organisations that we are not currently working with. We would like to be able to work closely with all providers but we know that isn't always possible. However, below are a few ways that you can access our support and get involved in the wider sport and physical activity networks.
Sign up to our sports club bulletin, and get funding opportunities and resources sent direct to your inbox, simply complete our quick and easy online form.
Join the Hastings and Rother Sports Coach and Physical Activity Instructor Network
This virtual network, hosted by Facebook was set up following feedback from local coaches at a focus group and through an online survey. There was a desire from coaches and instructors from a variety of sports and activities to work together to increase the number of people taking part in sport and physical activity in our town. Active Hastings, in partnership with Active Sussex and Active Rother help to facilitate this network, however, it belongs to the coaches and instructors, so please use it to share your ideas around engaging with inactive people and examples of good practice, as well as to ask questions of other coaches or the Active Partnerships.
This group is also used to keep you up to date about any training or funding opportunities we are aware of.
You can also use this group to post any special events or activity offers you are running, so that they can be shared wider by other members of the group, including Active Hastings, Active Rother and Active Sussex.
Keep up to date by joining our Sports Coach and Physical Activity Instructor Forum on Facebook.
Marketing support for your activities
The activity listings page on the Active Hastings website is available for local providers to promote their activities free of charge. In order to include your activity, you will need to provide us with evidence that the activity is led by an appropriately trained member of staff and that the necessary insurance is in place. To add your listings to the website, please complete the form and upload your documents on our website activity request form.
In addition to the website listings, we can, on occasion, include external activities within our social media and other advertising. If you would like us to consider your activity for inclusion within our marketing schedule, please email activehastings@hastings.gov.uk.
Safeguarding should be a priority for all sports clubs and physical activity programmes. Active Sussex have pulled together a wide range of resources to support you to develop your own safeguarding policies, as well as information regarding what to do if you have any safeguarding concerns. Please have a look at Active Sussex Safeguarding for more information.
Across England, sports clubs and organisations are being supported by a new network of Sport Welfare Officers. They have been recruited by Active Partnerships and funded by Sport England through an investment of National Lottery funding. The aim of the network is to increase welfare capacity and expertise at a local and national level and share best practices to help prevent concerns, making sport safe for everyone. In Sussex, we are fortunate to have two Sport Welfare Officers, employed by Active Sussex. You can find out more about their role and how to get in touch with them at Active Sussex Sport Welfare Officers.
Workforce Development Programme
Since 2019, Active Hastings has been working in partnership with Active Sussex to support the development of a diverse and skilled workforce (paid and voluntary) that have the knowledge and skills to meet the needs of different people within our community. We want a workforce that can ensure all people are empowered to take part in sport and physical activity and are given the best possible experience.
The sport and physical activity workforce are made up of volunteers, coaches and the professional workforce - paid professionals who are employed or self-employed either full-time or part-time.
In order to support the development of the local workforce, Active Hastings runs regular training courses, delivered by trusted delivery partners such as Activity Alliance, StreetGames UK and Sports Coach UK. Individual training grants are also available for coaches and instructors who wish to take part in specialised training to help them support more people to be physically active. Find out more about our training grants.
Keep up to date with training opportunities and more by joining our Sports Coach and Physical Activity Instructor Forum on Facebook.
The Active Hastings Partnership
Active Hastings coordinates the local Community Physical Activity Network, which brings together schools, sport clubs, National Governing Bodies of Sport, health organisations, the voluntary sector and the private sector to work together, unblock barriers to participation and improve the local sport and physical activity delivery system. To find out more about the Active Hastings Partnership see our Active Hastings Partnership and Strategy page.
If you would like to join the Active Hastings Partnership, please email us activehastings@hastings.gov.uk.
Got an idea to engage more people in sport or physical activity?
If you would like to share an idea to engage more people in physical activity, or need guidance to help get your ideas of the ground, please feel free to email us on activehastings@hastings.gov.uk.
Support for sports clubs and activity providers
Contact us if you have a question about sport.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Active Hastings team.