Neighbourhood Planning – West St Leonards Area and Forum
The West St Leonards Neighbourhood Forum and the West St Leonards Neighbourhood Area were designated on 6 February 2024. The West St Leonards Neighbourhood Area covers the West St Leonards ward and parts of the adjoining Maze Hill and Central St Leonards wards.
A Consultation ran from 16 November 2023 until 5 January 2024. You can view the consultation material and documents on our consultation page.
Based on the information provided with the Neighbourhood Forum and Area applications and having reviewed all the consultation comments it is considered that the proposed neighbourhood area boundary is appropriate and along with the proposed neighbourhood area forum, both meet all the requirements set out in the relevant legislation.
The conditions for designation of a Neighbourhood Area as set out in section 61F(5) of the of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as applied to neighbourhood plans by section 38A of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 have been met.
The conditions for designation of a Neighbourhood Forum as set out in Schedule 9 of the Localism Act as applied to Neighbourhood Forums by section 61F(5) have been met.Therefore, the West St Leonards Neighbourhood Forum and the West St Leonards Neighbourhood Area were both approved under delegated authority on 06 February 2024.
Documents 06 February 2024 designation
West St Leonards Neighbourhood Forum contact details
- West St Leonards Neighbourhood Forum
- williamackroyd@weststleonards.org.uk
What happens next
The West St Leonards Neighbourhood Forum can now begin preparing their Neighbourhood Plan. Once a forum is approved, no other organisation can be designated to draw up a neighbourhood plan for this area (unless the designation expires or is withdrawn).
Our Neighbourhood Planning guidance notes page explains all the steps involved in the Neighbourhood Planning process.
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Neighbourhood Planning
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