TC4 - Debenhams building, Robertson Street
Site reference: TC4
Site name: Debenhams building, Robertson StreetFocus Area/Strategic Policy: Focus Area 1: Hastings Central
Use: Commercial/employment led mixed use to complement the function of the town centre. Option to include residential uses
Indicative capacity (net residential dwellings/floorspace): Up to 8,927sqm commercial floorspace and/or up to 50 homes
Site specific development considerations based on draft Local Plan policies:
Development on this site should:
- Retain, enhance and reuse the building to provide uses that continue to provide an anchor for Hastings Town Centre
- Make use of the property which comprises several interconnecting buildings with a double frontage onto Robertson Street to the north and Robertson Terrace to the south, totalling 8,927sqm of retail and ancillary floorspace
- Provide for active uses at ground floor level which should include retail, leisure or other 'town centre' complementary uses which might extend to the first floor given the building form, and the upper levels of the building would be suitable for residential or hotel uses
- Preserve and enhance the setting of the Hastings Town Centre Conservation Area, and long-range views of and from Hastings Castle
- Respond to the town square setting at memorial and Harold Place and public realm at Robertson Terrace, providing clear routes to the centre and the seafront
- Introduce policy compliant 'greening' to the site in a form appropriate to the urban setting
- Take appropriate measures to mitigate the impact of noise on residential dwellings due to its location within the active night time economy setting
- Provide 25% affordable housing where new residential development is built in line with policy SP2
The following image shows a map of the site boundary.
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Consultation Draft New Local Plan 2019 - 2039 Site Allocations
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