SIEA4 - Bulverhythe Estate
Site reference: SIEA4
Site name: Bulverhythe EstateFocus Area/Strategic Policy: Strategic Industrial Employment Area (Strategic Policy 3)
Use: Industrial
Site specific development considerations based on draft Local Plan policies:
Development on this site should:
- Consider that this area is suited to renewal, with some densification
- Ensure the impact of potential pollution and hazards to site users and its neighbours is properly considered and mitigated
- Fully assess environmental and ecological impacts and provide appropriate mitigations, including suitable policy compliant 'greening' measures
- Take account of Southern Water's underground infrastructure in the design of the layout of the site. Easements would be required, which may affect the site layout or require diversion, and these should be clear of all proposed buildings and tree planting
- Improve access arrangements for vehicles and pedestrians
- Investigate the impact of land stability and contamination and incorporate mitigation measures as appropriate
- Improve pedestrian connections to nearby residential areas, shopping areas, open spaces and the Combe Valley Countryside Park where appropriate
- Explore boundary landscaping and other measures to reduce impact on existing residential provision within this area
The following image shows a map of the area boundary
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Consultation Draft New Local Plan 2019 - 2039 Site Allocations
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