HL63 - Land at Rock Lane
Site reference: HL63
Site name: Land at Rock LaneFocus Area/Strategic Policy: n/a
Use: Residential
Indicative capacity (net residential dwellings/floorspace): 27
Site specific development considerations based on draft Local Plan policies:
Development on this site should:
- Provide 40% affordable housing in line with policy SP2
- Include a necessary buffer at the eastern boundary of the site (adjacent Rock Lane) due to presence of overhead power lines
- Be in keeping with any relevant policies from Rother District Council development plan documents alongside the Borough boundary
- Relate well to the frontage along Rock Lane and demonstrate the conservation and enhancement of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty showing how adverse impacts will be avoided
- Maintain a 5m buffer to the existing drain along the northern boundary of the site
- Provide multi-functional open and play space (or a contribution offsite)
- Strengthen pedestrian and cycling links to the wider AONB and Ivyhouse Lane employment area by providing access to the footpath adjacent the Northern boundary and to Ore village through good quality walking and cycling routes
- Consider that this site has a high groundwater table and drainage should be informed by onsite monitoring
- Include a Management Plan for the identified Ecology Zone, including measures for the management and ongoing maintenance of that area
The following image shows a map of the site boundary
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Consultation Draft New Local Plan 2019 - 2039 Site Allocations
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