HL39 - Ore Valley (Former Power Station)
Site reference: HL39
Site name: Ore Valley (Former Power Station)Focus Area/Strategic Policy: n/a
Use: Residential
Indicative capacity (net residential dwellings/floorspace): 75
Site specific development considerations based on draft Local Plan policies:
Development on this site should:
- Provide 25% affordable housing in line with policy SP2
- Reserve six plots for association self-build and/or custom housebuilding
- In all cases retain the woodland area to the north of the site corresponding to approximately 0.85ha (capacity has been calculated net of this site area)
- Provide some physical breaks in frontage, with a landscaped area, possibly with a through-route for servicing and emergency access only. Achieving this requires, at least in part, some different housing typologies such as maisonette and/or flatted units to allow more generous plot widths and support four or even five-storey development, corresponding to the scale of development at Priory Road on the opposite hillside, whilst better integrating its sloped woodland setting
- Provide an assessment of potential contamination and any mitigation measures required
- Include pedestrian/cycle links to nearby open spaces, amenities, bus routes and Ore Station
- Consider that this site has a high groundwater table and drainage design should be informed by onsite monitoring
- Protect and safeguard the adjacent Broomgrove Local Wildlife Site to the south and avoid or mitigate against any adverse impacts
The following image shows a map of the site boundary
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Consultation Draft New Local Plan 2019 - 2039 Site Allocations
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