HL33 - Taxi office and former social club, St Johns Road
Site reference: HL33
Site name: Taxi office and former social club, St Johns RoadFocus Area/Strategic Policy: n/a
Use: Residential led mixed use scheme to include commercial uses at street level to complement the function of the St Leonards District Centre
Indicative capacity (net residential dwellings/floorspace): 30
Site specific development considerations based on draft Local Plan policies:
Development on this site should:
- Provide 25% affordable housing in line with policy SP2
- Provide uses that support the function of a town centre and encourage a vibrant active street level frontage to the station forecourt and St Johns Road
- Provide high quality design that sustains and enhances the Kings Road Conservation Area, complements the existing urban form, and enhances the architectural value of the existing buildings
- Consider the relationship with the existing buildings along St Johns Road, including avoiding adverse impacts on amenity such as privacy and overlooking. The relationship with the attractive station buildings to the west is also important
- Ensure that there is no vehicular access from the station forecourt, vehicular access will need to be from St Johns Road
- Demonstrate that it does not threaten the land stability of the railway embankment and tunnel
- Investigate and mitigate any potential impacts of land contamination
- Consider that this site has a high groundwater table and drainage design should be informed by onsite monitoring
The following image shows a map of the site boundary
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Consultation Draft New Local Plan 2019 - 2039 Site Allocations
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