HL22 - Former Hollingsworth Garage, Braybrooke Road
Site reference: HL22
Site name: Former Hollingsworth Garage, Braybrooke RoadFocus Area/Strategic Policy: Focus Area 1: Hastings Central
Use: Residential
Indicative capacity (net residential dwellings/floorspace): 20
Site specific development considerations based on draft Local Plan policies:
Development on this site should:
- Provide 25% affordable housing in line with policy SP2
- Have regard to the impact on both the local street scene and wider views including the protection of important views of Hastings Castle, including existing far-reaching views from the footpath linking Priory Close to Braybrooke Road
- Sustain and enhance the setting of the Blacklands Conservation Area and Alexandra Park to the north and provide innovative solutions for access and any necessary on-site parking taking account of the shape and topography of the site
- Respond to the descending topography of Braybrooke Road, with the built form separated by green corridors to retain the special characteristics of the local area
- Retain and protect the tree belt between the site and the railway line
- Investigate and mitigate any potential impacts of land contamination
- Strengthen pedestrian and cycling links to the surrounding area, in particular access to existing footpaths to Waterworks Road and Alexandra Park
- Form a sensitive mix of typologies from private outdoor space, in order to maximise views of the surrounding area
The following image shows a map of the site boundary
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Consultation Draft New Local Plan 2019 - 2039 Site Allocations
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