HL111 - Gambier House, 111 West Hill Road and West House, 115 West Hill Road
Site reference: HL111
Site name: Gambier House, 111 West Hill Road and West House, 115 West Hill RoadFocus Area/Strategic Policy: Focus Area 4: West Marina and West St Leonards
Use: Residential
Indicative capacity (net residential dwellings/floorspace): 20
Site specific development considerations based on draft Local Plan policies:
Development on this site should:
- Provide 25% affordable housing in line with policy SP2
- A vacant building credit will be applied to this site subject to criteria being met (see: National Planning Practice Guidance on vacant building credits)
- Retain and restore Gambier House and West House buildings together with infill development, or demonstrate how demolition provides a better design response
- Consider proposals that include removal of unsympathetic or out of keeping additions to the buildings in order to better reveal the original design as this will be supported
- Ensure the existing access point is utilised
- Not include development beyond the southernmost point of the existing buildings as it will not be permitted
- Provide public open space to the south of the site
- Avoid or mitigate against adverse impacts on the adjacent Caves Road Cliffs Local Wildlife Site
- Sustain and enhance the setting of the Grosvenor Gardens Conservation Area
- Provide innovative solutions for any necessary on-site parking that do not dominate the site
- Have discharge rates agreed with the Pevensey & Cuckmere Water Level Management Board (PCWLMB) prior to granting of permission. This site also has a high groundwater table and drainage design should be informed by onsite monitoring
The following image shows a map of the site boundary
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Consultation Draft New Local Plan 2019 - 2039 Site Allocations
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