HL11 - Cinque Ports Way (former Stamco timber yard and TA centre)
Site reference: HL11
Site name: Cinque Ports Way (former Stamco timber yard and TA centre)Focus Area/Strategic Policy: Focus Area 4: West Marina and West St Leonards
Use: Residential led mixed use scheme to include commercial
Indicative capacity (net residential dwellings/floorspace): 25
Site specific development considerations based on draft Local Plan policies:
Development on this site should:
- Provide up to 25% affordable housing, with reduced affordable housing accepted to enable leisure and cultural uses to be accommodated
- Explore opportunities for co-ordinating development with the Seaside Road site (HL9), or allowances made to better enable this. Road and junction improvements should be considered in conjunction with the Seaside Road site (HL9)
- Enhance access to the public right of way and national cycle route that runs along the southern boundary and to the pedestrian walking and cycling routes to West St Leonards Station to improve connectivity
- Provide a public realm and promenade that is attractive and inviting to residents and tourists, and encourages foot or cycle journeys to the Bexhill Road local Centre and Central St Leonards District Centre to the east
- Avoid or mitigate against any adverse impacts on the Bulverhythe Shingle Beach and Cliffs Local Wildlife Site to the west including the provision of offsite buffer landscaping
- Include flood protection and mitigation measures given the sites location within Flood zones 2 and 3, including safe evacuation measures
- Include plans for the maintenance and improvement of the existing sea defences including improvement and maintenance of the seawall
- Have discharge rates agreed with the Pevensey & Cuckmere Water Level Management Board (PCWLMB) prior to granting of permission. This site also has a high groundwater table and drainage design should be informed by onsite monitoring
- Ensure future access to the existing sewerage infrastructure for maintenance and upsizing purposes is maintained. it should also take account of Southern Water's underground infrastructure in the design of the layout of the site. Easements would be required, which may affect the site layout or require diversion, and these should be clear of all proposed buildings and tree planting
The following image shows a map of the site boundary
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Consultation Draft New Local Plan 2019 - 2039 Site Allocations
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