Sites not meeting SHLAA criteria
The sites that do not meet the SHLAA criteria are listed here in alphabetical order by Ward with the site reference number followed by the site name, for example A36 Sedlescombe Road North, BT Centre.
Ashdown Ward
A36: Sedlescombe Road North, BT Centre
B16: Breadsell Farm
B48: Queensway North
C01: Queensway / The Ridge West, land at the junction
C10: Sedlescombe Road North, Nursery buildings adjacent to Ashdown HouseBaird Ward
A47: Linley Drive, land at the rear
B32: Malvern Way, The Malvern public house and land to the rear
B33: Elphinstone Road, The Pilot Field
B40: Ivyhouse Lane, land atBraybrooke Ward
A34: Stanley Road, 12
A37: Fearon Road, Blacklands Garage
B35: Lower Park Road, Lower Cornwallis allotments
C11: Lower Park Road, Upper Cornwallis allotments
C16: Linton Gardens
C22: Elphinstone Road, 13Castle Ward
A46: Middle Street, land at
B20: Bohemia Road, Summerfields Sports Centre (part)
B29: Queens Road, land at
B30: Portland Place, Jackson HallCentral St Leonards Ward
Conquest Ward
B21: Old Roar Road, Glenmore
C15: The Ridge, land east of Holmhurst St MaryHollington Ward
C12: Church Wood Drive, land west of
C13: Whatlington Way, land at
C21: Lancaster Road, land at junction with Tile Barn RoadGensing Ward
B11: Bohemia Road, Summerfields Business Centre
B20: Bohemia Road, Summerfields Sports Centre (part)
B22: London Road, land between 177-185 (odds)
B28: Springfield Valley, land atOld Hastings Ward
B45: Bembrook Road, land at
C17: Roebuck Street, Roebuck Centre
C24: Barley Lane, land adjacent to 42
C25: Barley Lane, land adjacent to 61Maze Hill Ward
A38: Albany Road 20-22
Ore Ward
B38: Winchelsea Lane, land west of
B39: Rock Lane, land at Spindlewood Caravan Site
B41: Fairlight Avenue, Tilekiln Farm
B46: Barley Lane, playing fields
B47: Fairlight Road, land at
C14: Winchelsea Lane, land at junction with Rye Road
C20: Jenners Lane, land at
C23: Rye Road, Lidham BarnSt Helen's Ward
A39: St Helen's Park Road, land at rear of 35-39
A40: Hillside Road, land east of
A41: Hillside Road, land west of
A42: The Ridge, Ore Place Farm
B34: The Ridge, 314
B43: The Ridge, Sandhurst playing field
C09: William Parker Sports College, land atSilverhill Ward
A44: Beaufort Road, Bus depot
A45: York Road, York Road Business Park
B25: Beaufort Road, 12 and allotments to rear
B26: Vale Road, allotmentsTressell Ward
West St Leonards Ward
A35: Bulverhythe Road, 11
B27: Filsham Road, land at
B36: Grove College, land west ofWishing Tree Ward
B23: Hollington Old Lane, 45-53 odds
C19: Ironlatch Avenue, land to the rear of 16-56 evens -
Current adopted Local Plan and guidance