Safety advisory group
The Safety Advisory Group (SAG) consists of representatives from Hastings Borough Council (HBC) (Environmental Health, Resort Services, Licensing, Off Street Parking and Waste Services) as well as the Emergency Services (Police, Fire, Ambulance) and the Event Organiser.
The SAG provides a multi-disciplinary oversight of public events in Hastings and aims to help event organiser operate safe and successful events.
For the group to have time to consider proposals we must have a detailed Event Management Plan (EMP) within the time frames specified on our Event Management Plan page.
You may be asked to present your EMP before the group in person. Further actions and changes to your EMP may be required. If the SAG are not satisfied with your EMP, and the event is on council owned land, HBC may not allow it to go ahead.
Organising and planning for safety
The content in this section is the responsibility of our Event planning team.