Benefits calculator
There are a number of free to use and anonymous online benefits calculators that you can use to check what benefits you could be entitled to. These online calculators can be used to estimate
- the benefits you may be able to get
- the amount of benefit you could be entitled to
- how your benefits could be affected if you start work or increase your hours
- how your benefits could be affected should your circumstances change (for example, if you were to move in with a partner).
Below are some links to some of the benefit calculators you can use. Please note however that this is not an exhaustive list and there are several others you could use to estimate benefit entitlement.
To use these calculators, you first need to have accurate information regarding:
- Your household income (including benefits, pensions an earnings)
- Any savings and investments you and your partner (if you have one) hold.
- Any outgoings you may have (such as your rent and/or childcare payments).
- Your Council Tax liability
Please be aware that online benefits calculators can only provide an estimate of the amount of benefit you could receive and therefore actual benefit entitlements may differ.
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Benefits calculator
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