Appendix A: Breadsell Lane site
This page contains the following information:
- Natural England response letter dated 03 July 2008
- Concept Masterplan Spring 2009
2 options showing indicative site layouts and development zoning with landscaping: - Visitor Survey August 2009
- Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems extra information September 2009
- Additional woodland planting September 2009
- Bryophyte Survey September 2009
- Hydrogeological Survey December 2009
- Natural England letter dated 28 January 2010
- KLW covering letter dated 24 February 2012 enclosing the following documents:
08-108-05 Revised Masterplan
08-108-06 Location plan (A3)
2196-RE-01C North West Hastings Landscape and Visual Appraisal
Surface Water Strategy Breadsell Lane version B - Natural England letter dated 10 April 2012
Current adopted Local Plan and guidance