Pre-application Forums
Hastings Borough Council holds pre-application forums for large developments. This is part of our commitment to improving community awareness of the planning process. At a forum, the developer will present their proposals to a wide audience before they make a planning application. Key stakeholders and the public are invited to attend. The council hopes that as a result of the forum the developer will be better informed about the community expectations.
The meeting is held in public and the council invites and encourages you to attend to listen to the invited stakeholders speak. Only the invited stakeholders which will include community groups, councillors and council officers can speak at the meeting. There will not be an opportunity for the public to speak at the meeting. If you have any concerns or ideas you wish to be raised at the forum then please contact your local councillor or your local community group so that they may raise it on your behalf. You will be able to feedback to the developer after the meeting.
If you are aware of any community groups that should be invited to the forum, please let us know as soon as possible by email to dccomments@hastings.gov.uk.
Further information about planning forums can be found here.
Future forums
None planned.
Recent forums
No forums held within the last month
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