The Government has granted licences to a number of major mobile telephone companies to provide a service to their customers covering much of England and Wales. These companies are called 'Telecommunications Code Systems Operators' (TCSOs).
New telecommunications equipment will require either
- planning permission
- prior approval or,
- it may have permitted development which allow certain works to be carried out without making a planning application.
Which procedure applies depends on what is proposed. This is set out in The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended), Schedule 2, Part 16.
Government guidance on telecommunications changes over time. The latest information can be found in the National Planning Policy Framework, section 10.
Permitted development rights for masts have changed. On 4 April 2022, part 16 of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) (Amendment) Order 2022 was amended. A Summary of the main changes can be found here.
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