Planning links
Architects and Architectural Technicians
We cannot recommend individuals or companies who offer architectural or plan drawing services but www.yell.com contains local listings.
Search for Architects, Architectural Services, Architectural Technicians or Building Consultants.
- www.aabc-register.co.uk the inclusion of this link is for information only and does not imply any endorsement of the Architects listed by Hastings Borough Council
Architectural Salvage
- www.salvoweb.com - period fireplace or other architectural features for restoration projects
Central Government
- www.hmso.gov.uk - buy your own copy of the Town and Country Planning Act
- www.communities.gov.uk - Department for Communities and Local Government, latest developments in planning law and regional development
- www.official-documents.co.uk - Command Papers and House of Commons Papers
- www.planningportal.co.uk - Government site with lots of information about the planning system
- www.parliament.uk
Considerate Contractors
- www.ccscheme.org.uk - national scheme created by the Construction Industry to improve its image
- www.lgo.org.uk - for complaints which have not been resolved through our own complaints procedure
Council Tax and rateable values
- www.voa.gov.uk - the Valuation Office
Design Advice/Security
- www.securedbydesign.com - a Police initiative
- www.bre.co.uk - expertise in buildings and construction
Environmental Issues
- www.environment-agency.gov.uk - information and advice on environmental issues/water
- www.southernwater.co.uk - information and advice on water
- www.aecb.net - list of local members and links to eco-centred websites
- https://friendsoftheearth.uk/ - Friends of the Earth guide to buying environmentally sustainable wood
- www.buildinggreen.com - Environmental Building News
- www.lowimpact.org - a non-profit making organisation dedicated to helping protect the global environment by researching and promoting sustainable, low-impact alternatives to various aspects of everyday life
- www.cat.org.uk - Centre for Alternative Technology
- energysavingtrust.org.uk/ - Energy Saving Trust
- www.greenbuildingstore.co.uk - green building products
- www.fsc-uk.org - advice on sourcing timber from sustainable sources
Estate Agents
The Borough Council occasionally disposes of land and property in its ownership. For details go to the Estates Division pages.
If you are looking for a particular type of property or a site for development you need to approach an estate agent.
National sites:
- www.zoopla.co.uk
- www.fish4homes.co.uk
- www.primelocation.com
- www.propertyworld.co.uk
- www.rightmove.co.uk
- www.savills.co.uk
- www.sequencehome.co.uk
- www.teamprop.co.uk
- advantage.zpg.co.uk
Local sites:
- www.andrewsonline.co.uk
- www.campbellsproperty.co.uk
- www.freemanforman.co.uk
- www.homesestateagents.com
- www.just-property.net
- www.rushwittwilson.co.uk
- www.wardandpartners.co.uk
Heritage and Urban Design
- www.historicengland.org.uk/images-books/photos/- photographic library of listed buildings
- www.historicengland.org.uk/advice/planning/local-heritage/- Historic Environment local management
- www.buildingconservation.com - The Building Conservation Directory
- www.buildingforlife.org - examines design in new housing
- www.english-heritage.org.uk - English Heritage; information and advice on historic buildings
- www.imagesofengland.org.uk - National Monuments Record; images of England
- www.savebritainsheritage.org
- www.lpoc.co.uk/ - The Listed Property Owners’ Club (LPOC)
- https://bsls.org.uk - Burtons' St Leonards society
- www.georgiangroup.org.uk - The Georgian Group, includes information on guides for sale providing advice on appropriate period detailing
- www.victoriansociety.org.uk
- www.c20society.org.uk - The Twentieth Century Society
- www.nationaltrust.org.uk
- www.spab.org.uk - Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
- www.sussexpostcards.info - historic images of Sussex
Land Ownership/Boundary Disputes
- www.gov.uk - Land Registry
- www.boundary-problems.co.uk - boundary problems
- www.gardenlaw.co.uk - garden boundaries
Local Information
- www.mouseprice.com - online property market information from Calnea Analytics, creators of the official Land Registry House Price Index.
- www.nethouseprices.com - information on property prices
- www.zoopla.co.uk - a real-life guide to your neighbourhood
Magazines and Journals
- www.ajplus.co.uk - Architects Journal
Neighbour Disputes
- www.adviceguide.org.uk - Citizens Advice Bureau
Parking Standards
- www.eastsussex.gov.uk - parking standards; supplementary planning guidance setting out the policy for parking standards for development in East Sussex
Planning Advice
- www.planningportal.co.uk - services and guidance on the planning system
- www.rtpi.org.uk - Royal Town Planning Institute; meditation of space; making of place.
Planning Appeals
- www.gov.uk/government/organisations/planning-inspectorate - Planning Inspectorate; appeal forms and advice on procedures
- www.planningportal.co.uk - Planning Portal; general advice on the planning appeals process
It is helpful to include the postcode when you submit a planning application. If you don't know what it is you can find it at www.royalmail.com
Please note that for properties in St. Leonards you need to enter the town exactly as ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA, including a space between ST. and LEONARDS
Professional Institutes and Other Organisations
- www.builders.org.uk - National Federation of Builders
- www.nhbc.co.uk - National House-Building Council
- www.architecture.com - Royal Institute of British Architects
- www.rics.org - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
- www.tcpa.org.uk - Town and Country Planning Association
- www.ihbc.org.uk - Institute of Historic Building Conservation
Property Location Resources
- Bing maps - multi-functional site offering maps, directions and aerial photographs
- Google maps - multi-functional site offering maps, directions and aerial photographs
Self Build and Renovation
- www.homesources.co.uk
- www.self-build.co.uk
- www.buildstore.co.uk
- www.homebuilding.co.uk
- www.segalselfbuild.co.uk
Television Programmes
Planning advice
Contact us if you have a question about planning.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Planning team.