Planning and business
If you wish to run a business you need to find appropriate premises and you may need to apply for planning permission.
You should always seek advice at an early stage. We are happy to advise you whether or not you need planning permission to use a particular property in the way you propose.
A booklet 'Planning Permission a guide for business' is available from www.communities.gov.uk.For business use you need to find premises that are in the appropriate 'Use Class', or you will need to apply for change of use.
Applying for Planning Permission
You do not normally need planning permission to change between uses within the same use class, and some changes of use between classes is also permitted.
How to apply for planning permissionHelpful links
The following pages may also be of interest to you:
- Running a business from Home
- Opening a café, bar or restaurant
- Changing from one type of shop to another
Use Classes
How a premises or piece of land is used is categorised by the Use Class Order 1987 (as amended). In September 2020 the Use Class Order was amended, revoking use classes A, B1 and D. New use classes E and F were created.
The Use Class Order (1987) as amended can be found in the Use Classes page of the Planning Portal. This sets out both the latest Use Class Order and the revoked use classes. It also shows which use class the revoked use classes now sit.
The Planning Portal has guides on extending or altering your home or your business.
Finding business premises
Visit our Estates pages for details of Council owned land and property for sale or to let.
You can also use a commercial estate agent. The following list is provided for information only, there may be other agents available in the area.
National Commercial Estate Agent sites
Local Commercial sites
Conservation and business
This leaflet has been produced to help you make the most of your business in Hastings and St Leonards, even if you are considering a building that is either listed or in a conservation area.
- Conservation and Business (.pdf 228KB)
Planning advice
Contact us if you have a question about planning.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Planning team.