Press Releases week beginning 15 April 2019
Local scouts to represent UK
Local Explorer Scout Ryan Kent met the Mayor of Hastings, Councillor Nigel Sinden, to accept some town badges ahead of his trip to the 24th world scout jamboree later this year. Ryan was chosen as one of 8 Explorer scouts from Hastings. There was a long and challenging selection process to be one of the lucky few to represent the UK.
The mayor was happy to oblige Ryan's request and gave him a few badges, including a local knowledge activity badge to trade at the jamboree in West Virginia. Ryan and his fellow scouts are currently fundraising to pay for their trips with raffles, fun days, jumble sales and quiz nights to help them on their way.
The Mayor commented,
"Like me, Ryan was born and bred in Hastings. I was a Boy Scout many years ago as a part of the Christ Church troupe and took part in 'Bob-a-Job' week to earn funds for the troupe.
He has a wonderful opportunity to represent his home town and his country at an international event, and I am sure he will make the most of it. I hope the town will enthusiastically support his fundraising efforts. Ryan will report back to us on his return with a few pictures so that we can all see his adventure at the 24th World Scout Jamboree."
News archive 2019
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