This page includes details of open consultations and recently closed ones that are waiting to be implemented.
Article 4 Directions (Landslide risk areas)
The council is seeking representations on the introduction of two Article 4 Directions to remove permitted development rights in two areas of St Leonards.
Status: Open
Closes: Friday 21 February 2025View more information about two Article 4 Directions (Landslide risk areas)
Hastings Borough Council Public Path Diversion Order
Have your say on a Public Path Diversion Order that proposes the diversion of a footpath to enable development to be carried out in accordance with planning permission granted (HS/FA/14/00832) for the construction of a new road linking Sedlescombe Road North (A21) with Queensway (B2092), St Leonards.
Status: Open
Closes: Saturday 8 March 2025View more information about the Public Path Diversion Order
Draft Corporate Plan 2025-2030 and budget
We want your views on our draft Corporate Plan 2025-2030 setting out our ambition for Hastings over the next five years, working towards the aim of 'a Hastings where residents are proud of their town and feel safe, valued and heard; where secure housing is available, affordable and energy efficient, and people can live healthy, fulfilling lives with the right skills and education to access good well-paid jobs.'
There are five key priorities and actions under each priority.
We want your thoughts and comments on whether these are the right priorities and actions to achieve the aim.
Status: Closed
Closed: 10am Monday 3 February 2025View more information about the draft Corporate Plan 2025-2030 and budget
Foreshore Trust Pelham Playground Renewal Scheme
Exciting news for the Pelham Beach Children’s Playground and a chance to have your say on the playground design.
Hastings and St Leonards Foreshore Charitable Trust (FCT) has appointed Eibe Play Ltd to undertake the design, supply, and installation of new play equipment at the existing Pelham Beach Children’s Playground site. This playground is one of the town's most popular, and the focus of this project is on enhancing its inclusivity, ensuring that it is welcoming and enjoyable for children of all abilities.
Status: Open
Closed: 11.59pm Tuesday 11 February 2025View the proposed designs and submit your feedback
Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places in Hastings Borough 2024
The council was carrying out a Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places in Hastings Borough. The review and consultation responses is due to be discussed at Full Council on Wednesday 22 January.
Status: Closed
Closed: 5pm Friday 22 November 2024
Review of the dog control public space protection order for dog controls on the beaches
The council is carrying out a review of the dog control public space protection order for dog controls on the beaches.
We were consulting the public on proposed changes to the dog exclusion zones at the Rock-a-Nore beach and the Stade/fishing beach. There were three options proposed by the council.
The changes were agreed by the Cabinet in November 2024.
Status: Closed
Closed: 11.59pm Sunday 1 September 2024
View more information about the review of the dog control public space protection order for dog controls on the beaches
Housing allocation policy consultation
The council was asking for views on changes to the Housing Allocations policy, which sets out how people are prioritised on the housing register. The responses were reviewed and an updated policy was approved at Cabinet on Monday 29 January 2024. The new policy is in the process of being implemented.
Status: Closed
Closed on: Friday 24 November 2023
View the Housing Allocations policy consultation
Health and leisure facilities consultation
Residents were being asked for their thoughts on health and leisure facilities in Hastings.
Continuum (a leading national Leisure Development consultant) were conducting a survey of residents, and users of Summerfields Leisure Centre, to assess the needs from a possible new facility in the future.
Status: Closed
Closed on: Saturday 30 September 2023View the consultation on health and leisure facilities
Hastings Local Plan consultation
We consulted on our new draft Hastings Local Plan. We will be reviewing the comments received and updating our timeline shortly.
Status: Closed
Closed on: 24 March 2021 -
Contact us if you have a question about consultations.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Democratic Services team.