I want to apply for a Scrap Metal Licence
How to apply
A licence is required to either operate as a scrap metal collector or to operate a scrap metal site.
To apply for a scrap metal dealer licence you will need to fill out the form below:
- Application for a scrap metal dealer licence (.pdf 314KB)
Once you have completed the form you will need to send it to us. You can do this by scanning it and emailing it to us. Or you can post it to us at:
Licencing Department
Hastings Borough Council
Muriel Matters House
Breeds Place
East Sussex
TN34 3UYGuidance
Guidance on completing the application can be found on page 8 of the application form.
Guidance on commonly raised issues in relation to the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 can be found on the Gov.uk website.
As part of your application you will need to provide us with a current Disclosure and Barring Service Certificate.
HMRC Tax checks
From 4 April 2022, there will be a small addition to the checks we already have in place. You'll need to complete a tax check with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) when you renew your licence.
If you are applying for a licence for the first time, you will not need to complete the tax check. However, we will ask you to read HMRC guidance on what you need to do to be properly registered for tax in the future and you'll need to confirm you have done this via a declaration on the application form.
Guidance can be found here: Changes for taxi, private hire or scrap metal licence applications from April 2022 - GOV.UK.
From 4 April 2022, if you renew or apply for a subsequent licence under a different licensing body, you'll have to do a tax check and supply a TAX code on your application form. You'll be able to do this online through a digital service: Complete a tax check for a taxi, private hire or scrap metal licence - GOV.UK
The charge for this service can be found on our licensing fees page.
How to pay
You can make a payment in either of the following ways:
- By cheque(made payable to 'Hastings Borough Council')
- By BACS:
Branch code: 30-97-66
Account Number: 45633660
Hastings Borough Council General Account
Lloyds Bank
Hastings Branch
17 Wellington Place
East Sussex
TN 34 1NXWe will normally complete the application process within 20 working days, if no decision is notified in that timescale the application is deemed as granted. Contact the Council direct for an application form.
Contact us if you have a question about licensing.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Licensing team.