I want to apply for a review of a premises licence
Make a representation
To make a representation against a premises licence you will need to apply for a review. You can do this by filling out the form below:
- Licensed premises review application form (.pdf 138KB)
Once you have completed the form you will need to send it to us. You can do this by scanning it and emailing it to us. Or you can post it to us at:
Licencing Department
Hastings Borough Council
Muriel Matters House
Breeds Place
East Sussex
TN34 3UYYou will need to send a copy of your application to all of the Responsible Authorities. This needs to be done on the same day that you submit your application to us. It is also your responsibility to notify the licence holder of the premises that you are making a representation against.
How to apply
The document below provides detailed guidance on how to make a representation against a premises licence:
Notice for premises
Who can apply?
To apply for a premises licence review you must be either a Responsible Authority or interested party. Interested parties are:
- a person living in the vicinity of the premises
- a body representing people that live in the vicinity
- a person involved in a business in the vicinity of the premises
- a body representing people involved in these businesses.
How we will make our decision
For a representation to be relevant it must be one that highlights a breach of one or more of our four licensing objectives:
- prevention of crime and disorder
- public safety
- prevention of public nuisance
- protection of children from harm.
Or else it must demonstrate that the premises in question has breached the conditions of its licence. Often the two will overlap.
Please note that if the representation is made by an interested party it will not be relevant if the licensing authority considers it to be vexatious or frivolous.
What happens after a request for a review or a representation has been made?
We will advertise your request for a review for 28 consecutive days. Other interested parties and responsible authorities have this period to make representations about the review. If the request for a review is not rejected, we will hold a hearing to consider the application unless all parties agree this is unnecessary. For example, we may offer to try to resolve matters via a negotiated agreement outside a formal hearing. You will need to decide if this is appropriate for you but you can insist on a hearing. If it does go to a hearing we will write to you with the date and time.
Hearings will generally be held in public unless we decide it is in the public interest to hold all or part of it in private. A record will be taken of the hearing. Each hearing will normally take the form of a discussion. As the licensing authority, we will lead it and we will be represented by three councillors from the licensing committee. Cross examination of another party is not allowed unless we think it necessary. Parties may address us and will be given equal time to do this. If we give permission, they will also be given equal time to ask questions of any other party. We will disregard any details we consider to be irrelevant. It is important that you consider what you are going to say at the hearing as the licence or certificate holder and the committee will have seen your application and may get chance to question what you are saying.
What happens after a hearing?
If no decision is made at the hearing, the committee has a maximum of five days from the day or last day of it to make a decision. It may:
- decide that no action is necessary to promote the licensing objectives
- modify or add conditions to the licence
- exclude a licensable activity from the licence
- remove the designated premises supervisor
- suspend the licence for a period of no more than three months
- revoke the licence.
Contact us if you have a question about licensing.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Licensing team.