My accounts - landlords
We now have a new online service for landlords and estate agents. The My accounts - landlords portal, from Citizen Access, provides 24/7 access to landlords and estate agents when it is convenient to you, rather than having to wait on the phone to the Community Contact Centre.
How to set up and use the My accounts - landlord portal
Initial set up must be done by the council. We have contacted landlords that we have email addresses for about registration for the new service.
When you have been registered for access to the landlord portal you will receive two emails titled Citizen Access Landlords at Hastings Borough Council.
The first will give you a link to the portal to be used on your first time accessing it. It will also give you the first part of your login details, your username.
The second email will give you your password.
If you have not received these emails and would like to be registered to access the portal please contact the council on 01424 451080 or email rbtsteam@hastings.gov.uk
Activate your Landlord account
1. Use the link in the first email and enter your username and password as given and click on 'Sign In';
2. You will then be prompted to set up a memorable password for future logins;
3. You will now see the home page of the Landlord Portal - with links to View Payments, View Claims, View Letters and Get In Touch.
Accessing the Landlord Portal
1. Open up the My accounts - landlord system and enter your username and password;
2. Enter the online key that will have been sent to your registered email. Enter the key exactly as sent, this is case sensitive;
3. You will now see the home page of the My accounts - landlord system with links to View Payments, View Claims, View Letters and Get In Touch.
View Payments
This area allows you to see details of the Housing Benefit payments issued to you.
There is a search facility at the top of the page which can be used to look for a specific period the payment was made.
Click 'Show Latest Payments' under the search area to see a list of the most recent payments issued. You can export the details to a CSV format spreadsheet, and there is a facility to print the results of any searches made.
View claims
This area allows you to search for linked claims. You can search for a specific record using the name or postcode field or for all Active claims.
View letters
This area will show you all your Housing Benefit e-notifications. You can search for a specific period the notification was issued, or for notifications for a specific case.
If you want to see historic letters you have previously viewed you need to untick the 'Only show unread letters' field.
Get in touch
You can use this area to notify the Housing Benefit Department of a change or issue relating to your Housing Benefit tenants.
The options under What do you want to tell us about? are:
- my tenant has moved out
- my tenant has had a change in circumstances
- I have not received the payment expected
- the rent has changed for more than one of my tenants
- the rent has changed for one of my tenants
- other change
- other question.
Select the appropriate option, complete the fields as prompted and submit your notification.
You can read the My accounts - landlords user guide to help you use the new online system.
My accounts - landlords
Contact us if you have a question about housing and homes.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Housing team.