Planning an event
The following questions highlight the sort of issues organisers should consider when planning any event and writing your Event Management Plan.
These are for guidance purposes only and there may be other considerations that are not listed here that are relevant to specific events:
- Have the following key personnel been identified? The Event Organiser, the Event Manager, Safety Officer, Security and Stewarding Manager, and so on.
- Are any special permissions required from people or organisations?
- Is the site suitable for your event?
- What is the approximate number of persons attending including staff? Calculation of safe capacity.
- Have you included detailed site plans showing all entrances, emergency exits, barriers, and temporary demountable structures?
- Have you included all details of temporary demountable structures to be installed at the event?
- Have stewards been trained and briefed?
- Are the needs of disabled people working at or visiting the event being met?
- Is there a reliable system of communication between key people in place?
- Is there a reliable system of communication with the audience/crowd in place?
- Has an event control location been identified, call signs determined and announcements prepared in the case of an emergency?
- Are crowd control barriers necessary?
- Are emergency procedures in place and have these been agreed with the emergency services?
- Can emergency vehicles get on and off the site quickly?
- Are there effective fire control measures in place?
- Are there adequate first aid facilities in place?
- Does a traffic management plan need to be undertaken, and will the event have an effect on the surrounding roads / area?
- Have you considered the effect of the weather at the event and how you will manage this?
- Are any special arrangements required and in place? For example, for lost/found children, lost property, drinking water, toilets, noise control and parking, litter/waste management?
- Who will make decisions during an emergency and how will they do this?
- How will an event be stopped in case of an emergency?
- How will an event be evacuated in an emergency?
- Has advice been sought from the emergency services about the emergency routes?
- Is there a reporting procedure in place for the reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences? (visit www.riddor.gov.uk for more information)
- Has a suitable and sufficient risk assessment been produced to ensure all necessary health and safety measures are in place?
- Has all the necessary information been collated and provided to the relevant authorities within the Event Management Plan?
Organising and planning for safety
The content in this section is the responsibility of our Event planning team.