Noise from construction work
Construction Work
Whether they are large, medium or small, building sites, engineering works and demolition works can be a significant source of noise, vibration, dust and fumes. Traffic movements of men, machinery, materials and spoil can add to these problems.
Good project management should ensure that these pollution impacts are properly assessed and have mitigation plans. Under the Control of Pollution Act 1974 many developers (or their agents) and contractors will obtain "prior consent" from the Council in advance of site operations. By agreement of site operating hours, the types of plant and equipment in use, mitigation measures for noise and dust emissions and HGV routes to and from the site, the general public can be protected from unnecessary inconvenience and disturbance.
In practice, smaller building sites where "prior consent" has not been sought can cause problems to immediate neighbours. However the same legislation empowers the Local Authority to restrict what goes on and when. To safeguard the peace and quiet of residential areas in Hastings and St Leonards, Hastings Borough Council seeks to restrict construction site working hours from 8am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm Saturdays and at no times on Sundays or Bank Holidays. Genuine emergency operations inevitably may have to be undertaken at other times provided that the best practicable noise controls are in place.
If you are planning to carry out works consider making an application for prior consent under Section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974. Download our application form (.pdf).
Contact Information
For further advice on matters relating to construction work please contact us on 01424 451079.
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Noise Pollution
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