I want to report a missed recycling container collection
Report missed recycling collectionBefore reporting a missed recycling container collection please use our postcode lookup to check you have the correct collection day.
If your collection has been missed, you need to let us know either on the collection day or by close of business the next working day - so, if the collection was missed on a Thursday you have until 4.15pm on Friday to report it.
Please present your container on your collection day by 7am - In twin bin areas the correct bin needs to be presented, unobstructed, on the pavement or within 1 metre of your property boundary. Only batteries and small electrical items can be placed in bags on top of your bin. In weekly collection areas your bags or seagull proof sack need to be presented on the pavement, do not leave them tied or hung on railings. Unless alternative arrangements have been agreed with Hastings Borough Council.
Please use our online form, via the button at the top of the page, to report a missed recycling collection.
I want to report a missed recycling container collection
Contact us if you have a question about waste and recycling.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Waste and Recycling team.