Litter picking groups
This page contains the details of local volunteer litter picking groups. These groups and their activities are not run or managed by the council. Any involvement in these groups and their activities are entirely at your own risk.
Tidy Up St Leonards
Tidy Up St Leonards hold events to tidy up and improve the streets, paths and woodlands of St Leonard's, East Sussex.
The group works with local and county councils, by reporting issues requiring attention such as fly tipping, defective infrastructure and waste requiring collection.
They also liaise with local businesses, schools and organisations, engage with them and raise awareness of the litter problems in St Leonards and the surrounding area.
They want anyone keen to help keep our area tidy to have access to equipment and good information on how to do so safely.
Tidy Up St Leonards is a non-political group.
Find out more
There are many other groups undertaking activities in Hastings such as:
Hastings Beach Clean
Hastings Beach Clean run a monthly beach clean. These meetings are currently on pause due to COVID-19 restrictions.
The aim of the group is to help keep local beaches, marine habitats and sea life clean and safe.
Find out more
- Facebook group
- Search #hastingsbeachclean on social media.
Clean UP Hastings
Clean UP Hastings' aim is to clean up the town, working together for a better planet and a cleaner environment.
Find out more
Litter picking groups
Contact us if you have a question about waste and recycling.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Waste and Recycling team.