Clinical waste
Book clinical waste collectionBooking a clinical waste collection
We operate a clinical waste service to private householders who are treating themselves. We do not provide a service for commercially operated rest and care homes. If you are being treated by a health professional at your home then they should dispose of your clinical waste for you.
To request a clinical waste collection you will need to be registered. To register you will need to get your doctors surgery to contact us. They will then need to complete a form and submit this form to us. The form will verify your need and also the nature of the waste to be collected from your home.
Once you are registered you will be able to book in your own clinical waste collections using our online form via the button at the top of the page.
Please note that clinical waste collections may take up to 4 weeks.
What counts as clinical waste?
Clinical waste is any waste that consists wholly or partly of:
- Human or Animal Tissue
- Blood or bodily fluids
- Excretions
- Drugs or other pharmaceutical products
- Swabs or dressings
- Syringes, needles or other sharp instruments
- Any other waste which may cause infection to any person coming into contact with it.
Clinical waste cannot be disposed of in household waste containers.
Waste that is not infectious and does not require specialist treatment or disposal should be placed in with general household waste. Items used for the disposal of urine and/or faeces or excretions (including disposable bedpans and liners, incontinence pads, stoma bags and urine containers) can be placed in your household waste.
Clinical waste
Contact us if you have a question about clinical waste.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Waste and Recycling team.