Leisure Facilities and Playing Pitch Strategy
The new Hastings Borough and Rother District Councils' Playing Pitch and Built Facilities Strategy 2023-2039, produced in line with Sport England's latest guidance is the follow-on document to the Rother and Hastings Playing Pitch Strategy 2016 and the Leisure Facilities Strategy 2009-20.
Continuum Sport and Leisure Limited were commissioned jointly by the two councils to lead on the production of the new strategies for playing pitches and leisure facilities, following national guidance published by Sport England. Each authority in the country is encouraged to produce these types of documents to inform future decisions regarding the demand and supply of existing and new indoor and outdoor sports and leisure facilities in a given area.
Read the Playing Pitch and Built Facilities Strategy 2023-2039.
This strategy is a 'live' documents and continued feedback and input is very welcome. For more information on the strategies, or to get involved with the local Active Hastings Partnership, please contact Keith Duly, Leisure Development Manager on kduly@hastings.gov.uk.
Leisure Facilities and Playing Pitch Strategy
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