Reserved Bay Parking Permits Terms of Issue
A valid reserved bay parking permit must be purchased before using the car park. A valid reserved bay parking permit will have a current date, the correct location (car park and bay number) and the correct vehicle to be parked.
You must ensure that the correct vehicle registration is active before leaving the vehicle in the car park.
The reserved bay is to be used by the active vehicle only. It must not be used for storage of other items. These will be removed if found.
A reserved bay parking permit is only valid in the car park that you have applied for and the bay number allocated. It is not valid in any other car park or bay.
A reserved bay parking permit is not valid for on street parking.
For the Grand Parade car park, a magnetic key card will need to be purchased with the permit. The cost of the magnetic key card is £15. Replacements cost £15. It is recommended that the key card is not stored next to a mobile phone as this could deactivate it.
For the High Street and the Bourne car park a barrier key will need to be purchased with the permit. The cost of the key is £5. Replacements cost £5.
There is no refund for the surrender of a reserved bay parking permit.
Neither Hastings Borough Council, its employees or its agents shall be responsible for any loss or damage to a vehicle or its contents caused by a third party, unless such loss or damage is as a foreseeable consequence of a negligent act or omission of the Council, its employees or its agents.
Use of the car park by any person shall be deemed to be acceptance of the conditions contained in the Parking Place Order. A copy of the Order and further parking information can be found on our parking orders page.
Parking in contravention of the Parking Place Order will result in a Penalty Charge Notice.
Failure to comply with these terms of issue may result in the cancellation of the reserved bay permit. Hastings Borough Council also reserves the right to refuse to issue a reserved bay permit.
Terms of Issue
Contact us if you have a question about parking.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Parking team.