Hastings Borough Council Cabinet discusses devolution
Published 08/01/2025
At Hastings Borough Council’s Cabinet meeting on Monday 6 January, all councillors were invited to take part in a discussion about the government’s proposals for devolution.
As part of the discussion, Cabinet councillors were asked to agree officers’ recommendations to send comments to East Sussex County Council before county councillors meet later this week to agree the official county council response to the government’s White Paper.
Councillors from all parties raised questions about how devolution would affect Hastings and our residents, from how finances would work to how we could protect our natural assets, how it would impact on council staff, and around the practicalities of working across a large and varied geographical area.
Cllr Julia Hilton, leader of the council, said: “It was great to hear so many councillors speak so passionately about Hastings and how important it is that our residents’ voices are heard and not lost in a larger authority. There has been a council in Hastings since medieval times and it’s essential we don’t lose that. I have also sent a letter with our MP Helena Dollimore to the minister expressing how important it is that the government’s stated wish to give greater voice to local people means that this process is not rushed and certainly shouldn’t allow for the cancellation of the county elections as currently proposed. This view is also shared by the leaders of Hastings, Lewes, Wealden and Eastbourne councils as stated publicly in a joint statement yesterday.
“Cabinet agreed to send our feedback to East Sussex County Council ahead of their meetings to decide on the next steps, and we will continue to talk to other districts and boroughs about their thoughts. Hastings’ group leaders will be discussing our response to East Sussex County Council together so we can send one response from Hastings. We will be discussing devolution again at the Full Council meeting on Wednesday 22 January from 6pm, if you have thoughts or opinions you would like us to consider, please contact one of your ward councillors so we can take residents’ views into account.”
You can watch the Hastings Borough Council cabinet meeting online, and read the report.
There will be an Extraordinary Full Council at East Sussex County Council on Thursday 9 January at 10am, you can watch this meeting online and read the reports.
Editor’s Note:
Upper tier authorities have until Friday 10 January to respond to the government’s request for areas to take part in the first round of devolution. As the upper tier authority covering Hastings, East Sussex County will be responding for our area.
The letter from Cllr Julia Hilton and Helena Dollimore can be shared on request, and you can read the joint statement from district and borough leaders.
Published 08/01/2025
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