Performance management
Welcome to the performance management area of the council's website. Here you can track how we are doing against the commitments made in our corporate plan and budget.
Below you will find a list of council service areas. In each service area there are performance measures that drive work in each area to deliver services. We use a Red Amber Green (RAG) rating to show how we are doing in each of the service areas. You can click on each service area to view the details. Where there is Red or Amber, this suggests that the service will not or might not meet performance expectations and an explanation will be provided.
Work is underway to develop this performance management area of the website. Over time you will also be able to track how we are doing in terms of budget spend and managing our key risks.
View performance management and progress on our key activities and performance indicators for 2024/25 . (links will open in a new browser tab).
Performance management
Contact us if you have a question about democratic services.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Democratic Services team.