FOI request (FOIR-336240465)
Planning Application HS/PA/21/00234
Requested Wed 19 May 2021
Responded Fri 09 July 2021I am writing to make a freedom of information request in relation to matters concerning environmental health services and public information on past land use and contamination for HS/PA/21/00234 for the Change of Use from Light Industrial (Class B1(c)) to single dwellinghouse (Class C3) Workshop and Premises, 4 South Street, St Leonards on Sea, TN37 6AP.
It is my understanding that the subject site (4, 5 and 6 South Street TN37 6AP) has been used as a scrap metal yard for many decades and that therefore there may be hazardous material disposed of at the subject site historically.
I am concerned that this site has been determined as not being on contaminated land in a recent planning application - and as such the application was considered under Prior Approval and not Full Plans basis. The past use of the site is clearly documented in past planning applications such as HS/OA/61/01071 and HS/65/01161 and also on public data held and easily accessible on Companies House that documents the previous use of the site and the businesses that have registered at the site historically. Indeed contaminated land has appeared on numerous land searches. In addition, I have obtained building control notices that suggest asbestos use within the building fabric.
1) All documents held by the local authority that relate to land contamination of 4 South Street, 5 South Street and 6 South Street respectively (TN37 6AP).
2) All documents held by the local authority that relate to previous land use of 4 South Street, 5 South Street and 6 South Street respectively (TN37 6AP).
3) Confirmation of process followed by the environmental health officer working on HS/PA/21/00234 to determine that the land is not contaminated.
4) Copies of all documentation reviewed as part of the decision of the environmental health officer to determine the site as not being contaminated.
5) Copies of documents including but not limited to letters, emails, faxes, records of telephone calls, minutes of internal/external meetings by the environmental health officer, including notes in relation to the above application.
6) Copies of any documentation held that relate to the services to 4 South Street, 5 South Street and 6 South Street including but not limited to information on the underground drainage provision to these properties and any building control documentation including notices and the like that relate to these properties.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
1) Information not held.
2) Please see attached plan ref. Previous use. The hatched area appears to form part of 4-6 South Street. Information held states that the area was previously used as a Blacksmith in 1873.
Planning applications for No 5 South Street were:
HS/FA/78/00079 | Demolition of 5A, 5B, 7, 8 and 9 South Street and garages immediately to the rear and change of use of remaining garages and the land to storage and servicing of car hire vehicles. | 5A, 5B, 7, 8 and 9 South Street and Land at Rear.
HS/65/01161 | Demolish existing buildings and erection of cover for existing scrap yard. | 5 South Street, St Leonards-on-Sea, TN37 6AP.
For 6 South Street: (only one for adjacent to 6 South Street)
Information relating to the above can be viewed on our website: https://www.hastings.gov.uk/planning/searching/.
a) Reviewing Officer (RO) shall check if any proposed new development or an existing development incorporating ground works is within 250m a known existing or historic Landfill site. To check this the following resources should be used:
• GIS mapping system (environmental contaminated land layers) - accessed through the Council's Intranet
• DEFRA data set for historic landfill sites - https://data.gov.uk/dataset/17edf94f-6de3-4034-b66b-004ebd0dd010/historic-landfill-sites
• Search of historic records
b) The RO shall also check if the previous historic use of the site may lead potential land contamination issues. For example, the development of a petrol station or printworks to a residential development.
The following resources should be used to check this:
• GIS mapping system (environmental contaminated land layers) - accessed through the Council's Intranet
• Search of historic records
c) Any application identified by the resources as potential sites of contamination will need to be given special attention. Information will be required by condition in the form of desk study reports and/or site investigation to enable a decision to be made on any appropriate remediation/ mitigation.
4) See attached. In addition, DEFRA data set for historic landfill sites checked. No historic land fill within 250m.
5) Please find attached consultation response. No further information held.
6) Information held by Environmental Health. Please see attached drainage plan. Red line indicates combined drainage (foul and surface water). Brown indicates foul drainage only.
Please also contact Building Control who may hold further information: building.control@wealden.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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