FOI request (FOIR-102665041)
Website Data Request
Requested Wed 16 January 2019
Responded Fri 25 January 2019Please could you provide the following information about the usage of your www.hastings.gov.uk website and any relevant sub-domains:
Please note: If your organisation uses Google Analytics to manage its website data please consider using our custom report (see end of this request) which will automatically collate the information below.
Please provide the below figures for the 12 months ending 31 July 2018 unless only a shorter time frame is possible.
1. The total number of sessions (also known as visits) made to your website(s).
2. The total number of sessions broken down by day of the week (e.g. Monday, Tuesday etc.).
3. The overall 'bounce rate' that is the proportion of sessions which involved only 1 pageview.
4. The proportion of sessions on your website made on desktop devices, mobile devices and tablet devices respectively.
5. The total number of sessions for each channel group (what Google Analytics calls 'Default Channel Grouping') (e.g. Direct, Organic search, Referral, Social, Other etc..).
6. The total number of conversions (what Google Analytics calls 'Goals') in the past 12 months.
Note: If you have not configured your system to collect conversions please state that.
7. The total number of sessions per advertising campaign.
Note: If you have not configured your system to collect advertising campaign data please state that.
9. Please confirm what system you use to measure site usage (such as Google Analytics).
If you filter some sessions from your website (such as visits from IP addresses used by your employees), please provide the figures for both the filtered and unfiltered data (what Google Analytics calls 'views'). If you have multiple websites please provide these figures for each site.
Please ensure that the data is provided under a licence that facilitates re-use (the Open Government Licence would be ideal).
Please note: If you use Google Analytics
Google Analytics includes a feature called 'Custom Report Template Sharing' which will automatically compile specific data stored in Google Analytics without the need to manually drill down into the data. We recognise Freedom of Information requests of this nature can be time consuming so to reduce the workload we have setup a custom report template which, if you permit, will automatically compile the data we are requesting into one report. This data can then be exported into an Excel document like other typical FOI responses.
Here is a step-by-step walkthrough on how to use the custom report template here https://medium.com/@luke_7237/a-step-by-step-walk-through-for-using-a-google-analytics-custom-report-template-8f29deffaac0
Here is the URL for the Custom Report Template https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/template?uid=CHXifLonTGGFTBiM5PgaLA
Overall the data we are requesting from you will be used to update a report we published in 2015. You can find out more here https://bit.ly/2x2YhQW
Q1 - 890,316
Q2 -
Monday - 141,600 - 15.90%
Tuesday - 138,328 - 15.54%
Wednesday - 129,549 - 14.55%
Thursday - 129,520 - 14.55%
Friday - 133,518 - 15.00%
Saturday - 102,702 - 11.54%
Sunday - 115,099 - 12.93%
Q3 - 60.97%
Q4 -
Mobile - 444,565 - 49.93%
Desktop - 330,397 - 37.11%
Tablet - 115,354 - 12.96%
Q5 -
Organic Search - 627,098
Direct - 176,277
Referral - 74,389
Social - 12,515
Email - 25
Other - 12
Q6 - Not Configured
Q7 - Not configured.
Q8 - Google Analytics. We filter IP addresses used by our employees.
Information on filtered sessions not held.
Freedom of Information
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