FOI request (FOI224871)
HS/CD/17/00539 - Discharge of conditions - Shearbarn Holiday Park
Requested Wed 18 October 2017
Responded Wed 18 October 2017I note that the expiry date for this application has passed without a decision being made.
Back in July SEG raised some issues concerning the adequacy of the documents submitted by the applicants for discharge (attached).
There appears to have been no further correspondence between HBC and Shearbarn since then.
I would be grateful for an update on the progress of this application.
I understand that not all documents concerning an application are always posted on the planning website.
I would also be grateful for copies of any correspondence between HBC and Shearbarn concerning this application which has not been posted on the planning website.
I f necessary please consider this as a request under Freedom of Information regulations.
This information is held
Please see attached documents
Freedom of Information
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