The Council's register of mandatory licence-able HMO's which is available here - such buildings are 3 or more storeys. East Sussex Fire and Rescue (ESFR) have been developing a list based on local experience - this is not complete and is held presently by ESFR.

The Council does not own any Council Housing. The Council's housing stock was transferred to 1066 Housing Association in 1996, now Optivo, as part of a Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT).

We are aware of the following tower blocks (owned and managed by Optivo) which are more than 4 floors high:

Four Courts which comprises of:
Bevin Court, Stonehouse Drive, TN38 9DE
Kennedy Court, Stonehouse Drive, TN38 9DH
Churchill Court, Stonehouse Drive, TN38 9DG
Roosevelt Court, Stonehouse Drive, TN38 9DJ

We do not hold information on the number of people who live in these tower blocks.

Q11. No buildings tested have been found to be clad in combustible material.

Q12. N/A - properties not in Council ownership therefore we do not hold copies of test certificates.

Q13. This information is not available. East Sussex Fire and Rescue are presently updating their records of taller buildings.

Q14 - Asylum seekers are not housed by Hastings Borough Council (HBC) this is the responsibility of the Home Office, who subcontract under the COMPASS contract to Clearel to provide housing to asylum seekers. Please contact Clearel for further information. HBC are part of the Syrian Resettlement Programme for Syrian Vulnerable Persons who now have Refugee status. No families settled by the HBC live in this type of accommodation and are all in houses or low-rise apartments.

Q15 - Please see attached

Q16 - Information not held

Q17 - This information is publicly available at


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