FOI request (FOI-78372744)
Dangerous Wild Animals
Requested Mon 11 June 2018
Responded Fri 15 June 2018I am currently studying Forensic Science (BSc) at the University of Wolverhampton. I am doing research into the Dangerous Wild Animal Act 1976 and trying to obtain data and establish issues, if any to make a report on if the act is still fit for purpose.
Included is a simple questionnaire that I consider to be relevant to answering this question.
I would appreciate it if you could complete the questionnaire included to enable me to answer the question and to make a report of my findings.
The information is requested under the freedom of information act.
The information provided will be kept secure, protected and only used for this study.
Submission of the attached questionnaire implies consent to participate in the study.
Please see attached completed questionnaire.
Freedom of Information
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