What does my council do?
We deliver a wide range of value-for-money services everyday to residents and local businesses. We do this face-to-face, on-site, on-line, on the phone and in partnership with other organisations.
By law we must provide the following services:
- Licence premises (for example, pubs, clubs, off-licences) and activities such as taxis and private hire vehicles, street trading, and so on
- Protect people against pollution and deal with complaints about noise nuisance, faulty drains and air pollution
- Inspect food premises to ensure they meet public health standards
- Collect rubbish and recycling
- Clean the streets
- Determine Planning Applications (for example, new developments, house extensions, conservatories, garages, and so on) and enforce planning conditions
- Use our powers to improve poor housing conditions and license Houses in Multiple Occupation (for example, bedsits)
- Administer Disabled Facilities Grants to help people adapt their homes
- Provide temporary accommodation for homeless households
- Collect Council Tax and Business Rates
- Pay Housing Benefit to those who qualify and detect fraud when it occurs
- Provide housing advice, tackle homelessness and manage the housing register (the waiting list for social housing)
- Encourage development of new affordable housing
- Maintain our seafront and sea defences
- Provide a cemetery
- Play a role in civil emergencies, for example floods by supporting victims and providing temporary accommodation
- Manage all local, national and European elections
To support our work we need to:
- Communicate with local people through our corporate website,e-mail, phone, face-to-face and letter
- Employ, support, train and pay our staff
- Manage the public money that we are given
- Manage our own properties, land and factories
- Maintain IT and communications systems that help people contact us, keep records, pay for services electronically (for example, websites: www.hastings.gov.uk)
Even though we need to do these things, we are still trying to do them as efficiently as possible to make sure they offer good value for money.
About the council
Contact us if you have a question about democratic services.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Democratic Services team.