How can I make a nomination?
In order for a community group to be eligible to nominate, it must be able to answer 'yes' to the following questions:
- Do you have a local connection to the property (land or building) you are wishing to nominate?
- Are you an unincorporated community group with at least 21 members who are registered to vote in the Hastings area, a parish council, charity, industrial and provident society, local neighbourhood forum, company limited by guarantee or community interest company?
To make a nomination, you must inform us of the address of the property (land or building), details of the owner, the extent of the site and why you feel it is an asset of community value. You must also provide evidence of your eligibility to nominate.
Please read the Guidance notes before completing the nomination form.
Nomination Forms
You can either use this link for the online form:
Or you can print out the form below
Once completed you will need to return it to the Planning Policy team at Muriel Matters House:
Hastings Borough Council
Breeds Place
Muriel Matters House
East Sussex
TN34 3UYPlease read the Guidance notes before submitting an application.
What we will do next
Once we have received the completed form, we will consider and check the eligibility of the nomination and, if we feel the property does have community value, it will be added to the 'Assets of Community Value - Listed Sites'. Assets will remain on the list for five years and a land charge will be registered against the property. We aim to assess nominations within eight weeks of receipt.
You will be advised that the property has been listed and the date in five years time when it will be removed. When the five years have expired you can submit a new nomination.
If we decide to list a property the property owner can ask for a review and there will be a process for an appeal to an independent body. Further guidance will be provided in the letter to the property owner.
We will notify the nominee should the nomination be ineligible and provide an explanation as to why it was unsuccessful. In such circumstances the property will be added to the list of 'List of unsuccessful community nominations' and will remain on the list for five years.
Nominees are not able to appeal the decision made in respect of the property but a formal complaint can be made through the Council's complaints procedure if you feel we have not followed the correct procedure.
Viewing nominated properties
Properties that have been successfully listed are available on the 'Assets of Community Value - Listed Sites' and properties that have not been successful on the 'List of unsuccessful community nominations'.
Community Right to Bid
Contact us if you have a question about right to bid.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Planning Policy team.