What is the consultation process for a gambling premises licence?
A key part of your application for a gambling licence is to give notice to all of the Responsible Authorities. These include the Chief Officer of Police, Chief Fire Officer and the Gambling Commission.
Please use the appropriate form below to do this:
Public Notice
Additionally the application must be advertised in the public notice section of a local newspaper. The notice must be published once in an edition of the local newspaper, commencing the day after the application was submitted to the licensing authority, in the following ten day period.
The local newspaper serving the area covered by Hastings Borough Council is the Hastings and St Leonards Observer. They are contactable on 01424 854242 or by e-mail.
Please use the appropriate template from the files below for your notice:
- Notice of an application for a gambling premises licence
- Notice of an application for a gambling premises provisional statement
An external notice must also be displayed at the premises for which the application refers. This must be clearly displayed and able to be read from outside the premises when closed. This must be displayed for 28 consecutive days commencing the day after the application is submitted to the licensing authority.
More guidance on the gambling premises consultation process can be found in the document below:
Gambling premises licences
Contact us if you have a question about licensing.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Licensing team.