Food safety
Event organisers must ensure that food preparation is undertaken in hygienic conditions and complies with the relevant legislation.
If you are intending to use contract caterers or mobile food units please ensure the following:
- that all units are registered with their own Local Authority
- can demonstrate that they are trained in Food Hygiene
- have up to date gas safety and/or electrical certificates
Facilities on Site
Provide adequate provision for all food traders to be supplied with potable water. It is a legal requirement for food premises to have a supply of potable water. The event needs to be able to provide the traders with such a supply if they don't have their own.
Depending on the duration of the event facilities may be required for food concessions to dispose of waste water.
Estimate the amount of food waste likely to be produced and make waste collection and disposal provisions for the food traders operating at your event. If the caterers supply food in packaging then litter bins and litter picking will also need to be addressed.
Advice can be sought from Environmental Health where food units/stalls form an element of the proposed event. Please contact environmentalhealth@hastings.gov.uk.
Food safety